I heard that everyone had some sort of superstition, weather it be not to use a yellow lighter or to always do something two times. Do you have any? If not, what is the strangest one you have heard of/used to do?
I've always wanted to talk to someone who does this. Are you consciously avoiding cracks 100% of the time? Does it detract from your ability to focus on whatever else you may be doing (talking to a friend, texting, etc)? Is it just a way to keep your mind occupied while walking?
I'd say I'm conscious of it when I'm either alone or with only one or two friends. Also, if I'm intoxicated, I won't care. I prefer to take 2 steps per sidewalk square. If they're weirdly sized, I have to count my steps per rectangle. I'm really bad at texting and walking, so I'll usually just stand still.
I hold my breath when passing cemeteries. It sucks when it's a long one on a slow road. even if I'm driving -Careful that your avoidance of bad luck doesn't bring you bad consequences.
I have a thing for good luck charms, from all different cultures, even good luck new age crystals, semi-precious stones that have a history of being carried for luck, etc. My wife gives me a hard time about all of the jewelry I own, but in a strange way it helps me to deal with my anxiety.
I never step on a crack on a sidewalk or walk under a ladder, and if I spill salt I throw some over my shoulder. Of course, I know none of this will really make a difference but better safe than sorry, right?
I will not under absolutely any circumstances split a pole while holding hands with someone. I also refuse to sit with my back to a door, but I'm not sure if that's a superstition or paranoia.
I was going to record a #tngpodcast about this topic because I agree that most people seem to have one. I have not intentionally stepped on a crack in years. Not only do I fear that it will break my mothers back but I think it's just generally bad luck. I also knock on wood when appropriate. You?
I have a lot of superstitions. I think everything is connected and I'm super paranoid about a lot of things. My superstitions border on being a real problem and they would be if I wasn't able to ignore them. It's a tough road that I ride but it's just one that I want to go on because it's a scenic route and there are many undiscovered cities on the path I follow.