I think that's awesome. Hunger Games is way more thematically deep than most children's lit. I like that it's so popular. Beats the shit out of the babysitter's club. Hopefully all these kids are learning about totalitarianism and the media's role in propping up the government.
Dystopia for all youth should be mandatory. Oh, you'll mow the lawn mister or I'll bring the apocalypse down on you. Truth is most good parents know what their kids are capable of consuming. I started reading Stephen King books when I was 12. Miss those days, had some pretty good times being freaked out by Flagg.
I started with Eyes of the Dragon and fell in love with King. I haven't read any of his books as an adult and I don't think I will. I'm afraid I won't like them anymore and I prefer to remember his work with fondness. I spent a lot of time reading and re-reading his work. Edit: I don't blame you. IT was a scary story, for sure. The book is so much more disturbing.