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comment by leer10
leer10  ·  4385 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: An unintended consequence of the "unshared" page.

Perhaps one could try to use a mentor program to ensure the new ones are not attention seekers.

Another way is to create randomly chosen 20 account "neighborhoods" where people screen and advise each-other.

syncretic  ·  4385 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm thinking that a possible way to combat this phenomenon, if it becomes a problem, would be with alt accounts, one designed specifically to share shitty posts from the unshared queue (obvious spammers, trolls etc), so they wouldn't be visible to the "regular" users anymore. I'm not sure about hubski's policy on alternate accounts - mk, can you clue us in?

I could even see some people having fun with the usernames - worstofhubski, trollkiller, etc. If you look at their share history, it would be full the horrible posts they pulled off the unshared queue. People who were so inclined could even follow them (for a good laugh? I don't know).

Just an interesting thought I had. Could this be the first type of hubski "novelty" account, albeit one that would be performing a useful function?

StephenBuckley  ·  4385 days ago  ·  link  ·  

If someone wants to make a feed of the worst of hubski and other people like it, that's just called "using hubski." It really doesn't matter if you hate the unshared page because it will not and almost cannot find its way into your feed. In fact, on the controls setting you can force it so that you never see an unshared post in your feed. Ever. And then all you have to do is not follow people you don't like. Which is the whole point of the Hubski site in the first place.

syncretic  ·  4385 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yes, I quite understand that the entire point of hubski is tweaking your feed by following or ignoring users. Of course these types of posts will never show up in your feed unless you're a glutton for punishment and actually follow those types of people. I was just making an observation about the new feature... navel gazing, really, hence my use of the tag #theoryofhubski. I love this sort of discussion about reddit over at /r/TheoryOfReddit.

StephenBuckley  ·  4384 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Sorry if that came off as super rude (which it did). 2 AM is not the time to do good posting. Not for me!

cgod  ·  4384 days ago  ·  link  ·  

mk mentioned alts to interact with people who have ignored you at one time in a conversation we had, he didn't seem to think it was something that was much of a worry at the time.