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comment by princecold
princecold  ·  4309 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Girl's house destroyed after hundreds crash "YOLO" birthday party

Well is sounds that, the girl, and the mom, were calling for it. I mean how normal could it be to receive a call from the police, that people are going to your party, just to trash your house.

BLOB_CASTLE  ·  4309 days ago  ·  link  ·  

"Yes excuse me ma'am. There is a tornado headed your way. Just thought we'd let you know." "Oh I'll be fine, I have a fan to blow the other direction." "Whatever you say ma'am."

Captain_Ozone  ·  4309 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Well, I think there is the belief that "It'll never happen to me" that affects people's decision process. How often do you hear about 100's of people showing up and trashing a birthday party of. 15 year old? Although the police calling should have warned her, the insurance not covering it seems like a low blow.