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comment by b_b

You'll never convince me that sugary salt water isn't a good hangover cure. When I'm hanging, and not like today, but a really badass hangover, I always hit the Gatorade hard. 4 Advil and a liter of lemon lime, I swear by it. (And by the way, let's never speak of eating placenta again. I'm enjoying a muffin right now, and I almost barfed it up a second ago.)

panadol  ·  4448 days ago  ·  link  ·  

This is because hangovers are often a result of dehydration. Hydrating naturally helps alleviate them, but there isn't anything special about a certain drink like Gwyneth's miracle cure.

thenewgreen  ·  4448 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Ha. Sorry about that muffin. There is no doubt that sugar water is an aid in curing a hangover. In fact, it can really help a lot of things. I had a friend that went in to a cafe in Amsterdam and got so stoned that when he walked outside he fainted, fell to the ground, cut open his head and turned green with blue lips. A cop walked over and said to his startled friend, "did he smoke too much"? His friend replied "um yes" (fearing detention) and the cop said "get him some sugar water". They did and he was almost immediately fine (aside from the gash in his head). The thing is, my sister-in-law would NEVER just drink sugar water. It needs to be marketed a specific way to her. ... by someone famous and glamourous.

BTW, on new years day I had a fruit punch gatorade and 3 advil. -It seems we share the same apothecary.