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comment by Geee
Geee  ·  4770 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Scientists reconstruct images from our brains, plan to do the same for dreams
What if it can also capture your imagination? Designers, architects etc. could just project their imagination to the screen. That's a really cool idea, I think I haven't seen that even in sci-fi movies. What about composers, could they generate music just with their brain? I recall that it has been shown that imagining and actually sensing provides same kind of response from brain waves. The only downside to this right now is the size and expense of fMRI machines, I hope there would be a more available method.

Also, it would be very very nice if they open-sourced their data so people could develop better reconstruction algorithms.

wryme  ·  4770 days ago  ·  link  ·  
I didn't even think of that! It wouldn't even have to be limited to creative professionals, either; I'm sure everyone has incredible ideas that they don't currently have the resources or skill to actually produce. Can you imagine the ensuing artistic renaissance that would occur if every average Joe could simply think his masterpiece into existence and share it instantly with the world? Now I'm even more excited!

Now excuse me while I go change my pants.

Geee  ·  4769 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Well I can't even imagine how much fun that would be to create images and movies like that.
thenewgreen  ·  4769 days ago  ·  link  ·  
I wonder what the psychological impacts would be of the "bed-side dream catcher"? Some memories and images are deeply repressed because if brought to the surface, they could harm us. no?

I'm not saying that certain things need to remain buried, but perhaps they do need to surface at a proper pace. The "dream catcher" might have them surfacing immediately which could be dangerous. -This is my dime store psychology.

Still, it's pretty exciting. As an aside, I'd be okay with having Steve Martin as my dream avatar.