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comment by thundara
thundara  ·  4301 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Thoughts about necroposting?


    The act of posting in a forum thread that is too old to matter any more, or has served it's purpose. Usually by new, inexperienced members of the board.

    A common trait of someone necroposting is not to only bring one old thread back from the last page before deletion, but to fill up the entire first page with threads that only they seem to think have relevance to anything.

MattholomewCup  ·  4300 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Specifically, the

    thread that is too old to matter any more, or has served it's purpose

bit intrigues me. Hubski is encouraging thoughtful discussion. Thus, technically speaking, shouldn't ANY post continue to be relevant and serve a purpose, if it produces interesting or intelligent discussion? That is to say, as long as the new posts aren't "lol" or "liked!" or whatever (though in my short time here I've noticed none of that going around which is a lovely thing.)

StephenBuckley  ·  4300 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Agreed- if someone is interested in it, it should be seen! And since there's no reposting, there should be a way to "bring something up"

thundara  ·  4301 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I wouldn't mind it if people who I follow are necroposting, I care what they have to say, usually, but this would go under the category of whether or not hubski should allow more fine-grained controls when it comes to following (And ignoring). Do I follow their posts? Their shares? Their comments? Their necrocomments?

Baladas  ·  4301 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Is it possible to follow one's comments?

thundara  ·  4301 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Not currently.

mk  ·  4300 days ago  ·  link  ·  

There are some modifications coming to ignoring shortly.

Also, as b_b mentioned there is a change to the feed algorithm coming. I am not opposed to necroposting if it is picking up on a good discussion.

Both the change to ignores and the new algorithm should play into each other in this respect.