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comment by cgod
cgod  ·  4908 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: An Open Letter from a Former Tea Partier to Occupy Wall Street
This guys idea that there was once a pure tea party, unsullied by corporate money, racism, dimwits, paranoid and crazies is pure fantasy. I mean sure maybe at one point four or even five focused, intelligent logically consistent people who called themselves the tea party, but after that, I'm sure it was chaos. Pretty sure this guys wasn't one of those five people, but instead just a person who saw what he wanted in the movement he joined, became disillusioned when he saw what his movement really was, and now confusedly tries to help people with basically the opposite agenda from his own (the occupiers seem basically pro-social while the tea party seems anti) with advice and imposing to some degree a brotherhood of ideas in this new movement.

Is there any "really good advice" here? Not much really. Lets see, trust no one, Democrats, the media, unions, people inside your movement, cooperation's are all out too get you trust none of them. Have a highly focused message, that might be good advice, but seem to be wholly rejected by the occupy movement, seems like and interesting experiment. Disavow violence, well maybe it's best to have two wings in this kind of movement each which repudiates the other sides tactics, a Malcolm wing and a King wing if you will.

All and all the occupiers seem like clueless fools who would join a chant against continually compounding interest if it rhymed. After the cops started beating the shit out of em, they got my full support. GL to the "movement" I suppose.