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This little clip from a Jobs/Gates interview sums up a lot about their personalities which I'm sure directly relates to how they ran their companies.
In High School, 1997, I remember discussing with a few of my nerdy graphic design friends, working on a brand new Power Mac, how cool it would be to invest all of our money that we saved from summer jobs into Apple stock (In 1997, Apple was collapsing and the price was under 5 bucks/share). I (and the others) opted to save our money (like $1000 each) for books for the upcoming college year. Fucking dumbshits.
RIP Jobs
lessismore · 4882 days ago · link ·
In the long run, I think Bill Gates will leave a bigger legacy than Steve Jobs because of his philanthropic works via the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation.
thenewgreen · 4885 days ago · link ·
The look of the products they created and championed seem like direct representations of their communication styles.
btw, those better have been some kick ass text books. Have you ever bothered to calculate how much $ an initial investment of 1000 in '97 would be worth today? -Probably too painful to check out, huh? If only I could pull a "Biff" and steal an almanac from the future.