I teach an after-school program for predominantly low-income K-8th grade students. Each day after school I help my kids with their homework, plan activities & play games. I also drive a shuttle bus back and forth from a local elementary school a few times each day. Part of each morning is spent updating content on my center's Facebook and Pinterest pages with the intent of reaching parents in the local community. Right now, I could see myself doing one of three things with my life. I would love to teach science at a local middle school. I find teaching and working with children to be extremely rewarding, even if it doesn't pay very well. At the same time, I would also like working on & tinkering with computers, so I would really enjoy opening up my own local computer repair shop, or perhaps designing websites for local businesses, something of that nature. Lastly, I really like playing Magic and collecting comic books, so I think I would enjoy opening up a local game store and selling both of those things for a living.
Do you like the new block of Magic? I've been thinking about buying back into the game. I haven't played since Scars after starting in Ravnica.
I hear you there... I spent upwards of $100 last time I tried playing... ended up selling the cards back for maybe $15.
I spent like $300 last time I made a competitive deck, and lord knows how much I've spent on booster packs. And after all that, my favourite decks are silly combo decks and tribal decks. I still want to make a legacy turbofog deck, though.
If you ever open up that store, be sure to carry mk's RPG book