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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  4292 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: There is no Reddit migration

    And one of the biggest challenges for Hubski seems to be giving users the sensation that they aren't at a party by themselves.
I agree Alvin, this is an important problem to tackle. Nobody wants to take the time to craft a thoughtful comment/post only to have it gather dust. There are two things that can help with this 1. The "chatter" feed that we recently introduced is something that we have had behind the scenes and have used a lot. It's nice to have and certainly helps stimulate conversations. 2. More users. -We're working on this.

    clicking on "chatter" is just awkward for me because I don't actually know anyone there;

Your feedback is great Alvin and it is much appreciated. The analogy of going to a "party" is a good one. The thing is, just like when at a party, you get more out of it when you walk up to a circle of conversation, introduce yourself and join in. Otherwise, you become a wall-flower and get little out of the experience.

Moving forward Hubski needs to have more people at the party and needs to make it easy to find the "circles of conversation".

alvin  ·  4292 days ago  ·  link  ·  

This is all great to hear. Thanks for the response.

    Otherwise, you become a wall-flower and get little out of the experience.

So no use-case for lurkers?

thenewgreen  ·  4292 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I think lurkers can have a great experience here, that's not what you were addressing. You seemed to be interested in stimulating conversation. Lurkers by nature aren't interested in that. I know a number of people that use Hubski strictly as content discovery site. They're not much interested in conversing just reading. That's great and I think the "global" links help this out tremendously. You can see posts at every iteration of their evolution and "lurk" accordingly. I love lurkers. Especially lurkers that use the "share" button.