There couldn't be a larger difference between how I approached Obama's first and second inaugurations. I went to the first inauguration, sat on the steps of the Lincoln memorial right where Dr. King gave his famous "I have a dream" speech. I watched the historic moment unfold awash with "hope" and confident that it was truly a new day I have not seen once piece of footage from this inauguration. In fact, the only bit of press that I've read has been your blog. And I'm glad that I did read your blog because I like what it focuses on. These are important events that signify a sea change in political discourse. The largest being that Gay rights are no longer something to be cast aside as a "someday" issue. The time has come to call those who oppose gay rights "bigots". It was a monumental thing for him to mention. I should say that like your husband, I wasn't immediately clear on what each event were. I don't think I would have guessed Vietnam though :-) Nice piece lil, thanks for giving me a glimpse in to the inauguration. I think I'll go listen to his whole speech now.
I love the song! It's still a new day - every day is. As I suspected, many people esp. young people are unfamiliar with the significance of those three places. I can trace many of the hits on my blog to Google searches of the three places, including Googlers in Chile, Italy, India, etc.
More than the song, I found the comments to that link interesting. People became pretty disillusioned with Obama after his election. Myself included. I think it's a testament to how crappy the GOP is that he was reelected.
A year and a half ago, you said, I think that a second term will bring about Obama 2.0 He will still be a centrist but he will get shit done. -That's my opinion. Rose colored glasses are officially off though.
You're right so far... Let's see what the bugs and features are.