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comment by b_b

It doesn't matter who directs the movie. Its going to suck in principle. The Empire now owns the franchise. Are they going to have Luke realize that his father was deluded when he killed the Emperor and switched back to the Light side, and Luke now sees how the Empire was really providing good, stable jobs to all the Storm Troopers, so he ascends the throne and betrays all the Rebels? Or maybe they'll make it the story of how if you're a really pretty and nice girl, you can marry up in life.

ecib  ·  4287 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Niether. Just more stuff like Jar-Jar so they can hock more toys and merchandise surrounding the releases. Anybody want to bet otherwise?

I will make a prediction though, -I think the writing will actually be better. "The Empire" has a gift for narrative that the last three movies stood to benefit from.

Still gonna suck.