We are in complete agreement.
J. J. will make a better star wars than George. Don't compare because Firefly and 5th Element are much better (my belief)
or because they are in a different class?
Because they are much better, so "different class" I guess (but only my opinion of course). Firefly was one of the best universes, writing, acting, and character devlopment I've seen in sci-fi in a long time. And 5th Element is my favorite movie because it had such an interesting and unique take on the future that I would say they are in a different class. All my opinion of course. Star Wars has always been summer block-buster popcorn flicks under Lucas, so was only saying that's all I expect from Abrams as well, but that he can at least make that a little better... hopefully.
Abrams will do it better. Gore Verblinksi would have been amazing.