His art is wonderful. The writer of the article speculates that Banksy's time of anonymity in the subculture may be up with his increasing fame. I hope that's never the case.
He's done a pretty amazing job thus far protecting it. I don't know much about the modern art world and I've known about Banksy for at least a couple of years now. What I'm saying is that he's definitely not "unknown" or "underground". If he's been able to hide this long, surely he can continue. If Bin Ladin could do it for so long??
Well, he's been an artist for 20 years now, and only in 2010 did he become a sort of "household name." I guess he can always just move to a new town if he gets hot feet? I don't know. He's one of those harmless conscientious-objector type criminals that no one would know what to do with even if they caught him.