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comment by ecib
ecib  ·  4278 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What do you do for fun? For play?

Wow. Do you have any older family members you can have over for dinner and drinks to tell old stories? From talking to my relative who I never see, I learned so much about how my mother and grandparents came over, and what their lives were like. I recorded it all.

I tried to make one of my younger cousins sit down and listen. He's a young teen and just couldn't really care less. He's addicted to Call of Duty and I was trying to get him to listen to the experiences of someone who literally ran from machine gun fire as a school child of the same age and who's bed was occupied by soldiers. Uphill battle I swear O_o

rjw  ·  4278 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I tell you, I was exactly like that kid when I was younger. Although I do vaguely remember writing an essay about my grandmother for a primary school history class, which my teacher and family were rather proud of. I am just wondering how to ask my grandpa - I haven't really expressed an interest in family history and everything else before... Certainly worth a try!

That is a crazy juxtaposition, though. A kid idly playing a video game where the objective is to shoot at the folks who were shooting at the person who was talking to him at the time. Gosh.

ecib  ·  4278 days ago  ·  link  ·  

| I am just wondering how to ask my grandpa - I haven't really expressed an interest in family history and everything else before... Certainly worth a try!|

Do it while you can :) He is one of the strongest connections to your familial past you have. It is hard to predict when you are young the value that that may hold for you in the future, when it may be to late.