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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  4276 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Never Looking Up

I get them too occasionally. It's funny that I will consciously put my phone away when I'm in an unfamiliar city so that I can enjoy my new surroundings but in my own home town, I'm guilty of walking around glued to it.

I choose the times I use it. Recently when at a friends house we were perplexed as to the origin and definition of the word "carol" as it pertains to "song". I said, "should I consult the oracle", meaning my phone, and the decision was "yes". I found our answer and the phone went back in to hiding for the rest of the evening. It didn't detract from our experience but it did aid it. Could we have had a great time without it? Yes.

I think it's important not to bring it out to answer every question that arises, it's good to discriminate and to know the audience you are with.

Lets be honest though, not many people in cities look up. Ever. That's how you know a tourist, they're the ones looking up and marveling at the beauty most others take for granted.

DiamondLou86  ·  4276 days ago  ·  link  ·  

This is what I prefer the internet for. It makes a great seasoning, but not a great meal. When I've let myself binge in the past, I've regretted it. But that could be just me. And technology aside, I think it is a natural-but-regrettable process to lose the wonder of a familiar place. As if we've seen all they have to offer! I'm gonna go take a walk. P.S. Just last month a friend of mine convinced a few people that Christmas Carols were invented by a woman named Carol. He has an excellent poker face.