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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  4350 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Goalsetting: The Dark Side

I'm so damned busy with all my work, hobbies and yes... goals that I don't much take the time to contemplate. I guess Forest Gump says it best regarding whether there is a fate or if we are "all floating around accidental like on a breeze." He says,"both, I think both are happening at the same time."

I think your question could be answered the same way, I both see myself on a path and in the immediate moment. One cannot exist without the other.

Hope that makes sense.

lil  ·  4350 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    that I don't much take the time to contemplate.
It seems that even though you don't take much "time to contemplate", you contemplate on the go! Your move to NC no doubt took a lot of contemplation!
thenewgreen  ·  4349 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I guess I do "contemplate on the go" in the sense that I have goals, and a plan to achieve them. What I meant is that I don't spend much time navel gazing as to "what it all means", I have too much to do :-)

I suppose someday I will have time to reflect more. I have a friend named Ralph (ralphstallard1) that is probably around 80-85 years old. He once referred to this time of my life as the "productive years". He didn't mean this as a slight to any other portion of life. I also don't think he meant to suggest that this part held more value. What I think he meant is that these years will be busy, full of plans and action and will leave little time for such "navel gazing". Eventually, life will slow down and I'll have more time for reflection. What I have gathered from Ralph is that just because the hurried nature of work and raising a family subsides, it doesn't mean that personal progress should subside as well. I look forward to the days when my chief accomplishments are to satisfy my curiosities. To read only what I'd like, to gain more practical knowledge of my world and the people in it.

I think Ralph may be the most senior hubskier. He is most certainly one of the most interesting. lil, I think you two would get along famously. He's a great man.

I think I ought to carve out more time for contemplation. Thanks for this thread.