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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  4338 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line.

In that North Korea is a "Hermit Kingdom" that faces entirely inward. Their actions abroad are almost entirely related to counterfeiting and narcotics. North Korea lacks the foreign muscle to deal with their own dissidents, let alone attempt terrorism.

But more importantly, North Korea gains nothing from a small-scale terrorist attack against a sporting event in a city most North Koreans don't even know exists. Remember - they've released at least two propaganda videos in the past month in which they triumphantly nuke the United States out of existence. What value is there in demonstrating that they can cause less harm and horror abroad than they can in their own prison camps?

North Korea is a piss-poor bogeyman. This can be solved by inspection. There is nothing in their behavior - in the past 50 years - that demonstrates the slightest inclination towards terrorism. More importantly, there is no demonstrable advantage to their initiating terrorist tendencies now.

However, the movies are full of "North Korean terrorists" this week so that's immediately where you go.

So I repeat. You do not understand North Korea. More than that, you're believing exactly what the media wants you to believe.

BLOB_CASTLE  ·  4338 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I never said that I believe it was a North Korean attack. I highly doubt it is. More than likely it was some American guy with some mental issue trying to get attention. What I was saying is that somehow, we'll try to pin this on N. Korea since so many people have been wanting an excuse to attack them with the recent "threats" they've been posing. No need to be so condescending sir.

kleinbl00  ·  4338 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You said:

    I wouldn't be surprised if the suspect ends of being N. Korean and that sends us into war.

    What I was saying is that somehow, we'll try to pin this on N. Korea since so many people have been wanting an excuse to attack them with the recent "threats" they've been posing.

Thus my statement stands.

    No need to be so condescending sir.

I shall neither reward nor pamper you for holding ignorant beliefs. I shall call you on them and correct you.

That's what friends do.

BLOB_CASTLE  ·  4338 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Poor phrasing on my end. What I meant was that I would not be surprised if somehow, government enforcement would find out the suspect to be N. Korean, even if that isn't true in order to rally up the masses against N. Korea in support of a war.

kleinbl00  ·  4338 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thus I reiterate - You do not understand North Korea.

From an American perspective, the storyline on North Korea is that it's a powerless hermit kingdom that poses a grave threat to South Korea, which happens to be one of our staunchest allies. It is a humanitarian disaster and a member of the "evil empire" but it is a long goddamn way from an existential threat. In order for the United States to gin up charges against North Korea based on the f'ing Boston Marathon we would have to trash 20 years of policy and perform a total about-face on our entire foreign stance. Not only that, but we would conclusively demonstrate that we don't give the first shit when North Korea blows the fuck out of our allies but set off one pipe bomb in an American city and the gloves are off.

From a North Korean perspective, the storyline on the United States is that we are ancient demons that provide an existential threat to a devout community of militant acolytes that have never seen an American. There is no aspect of North Korean policy or propaganda that does not seek to illustrate how powerless the United States is. Don't know if you missed it but not two days ago there was a propaganda video in which North Korea nukes the fuck out of NORAD. Which appears to be in Louisiana, but that's the sort of detail that is unimportant to the narrative.

For your allegation to have the slightest chance of being true, the United States would have to suddenly decide that well-known, well-portrayed clowns are somehow an existential threat all of a sudden. And that benefits exactly zero people.

I apologize for failing to relent on this, but the fact of the matter is, North Korea represents a decades-long failure of foreign policy, not Hollywood's latest bogyman-*du-jour*. When you cling to the latter narrative while dismissing the former, you reveal yourself to be superficially informed about the situation and I am not a fan of superficiality.

JTHipster  ·  4338 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Or it could be an Iranian guy, or at least a guy who looks Iranian.

Hey man he just needs to look like an arab to give us an excuse to bomb literally anyone with black hair, tan skin, and an accent. C'mon let's just get a war going on, we need to be juggling at least 9 or everyone in Washington begins to lose their throbbing erections.

kleinbl00  ·  4338 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That would blow the budget all to hell, which is what they've been fighting over tooth and claw for 6 years.

People forget - the Atlanta Olympics got blown up. In the end, it didn't do anything.

JTHipster  ·  4338 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I know. I'm not being entirely serious.

Only Dick Cheney got aroused by wars.

kleinbl00  ·  4338 days ago  ·  link  ·  

If only that were true.

* * *

You know, it's interesting. There's a great book called Legacy of Ashes that details the history of the CIA from the Black Chamber to September 11. It actually left me sympathetic to Cheney's point of view; when he was a senator and we went into Iraq during Desert Storm, we found a whole bunch of heinous shit that the CIA didn't know anything about. So when he was VP and the CIA was telling him there wasn't any heinous shit in Iraq, he sort of went "that's what you said last time" and presumed that if the CIA couldn't find it, that meant it was worth hiding.

Make no mistake - I think the dude is evil. But thanks to that book, I could see his point of view.