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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  4201 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: MIT SHOOTING

Once again, r/news live stream thread best place to get info. After this is all said and done we'll have to have a discussion about the future of news coverage.

I should have been in bed a couple of hours ago but this is morbidly riveting.

geneusutwerk  ·  4200 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I want to have this discussion. I disagree that it is the "best place" to get news. I think it is the best place to get rumor.

My favorite part of it all is that after posting a bunch of stuff from the Boston Globe, they then got upset when the Globe started to retract stuff and said they would not longer post from there (all of this after getting a lot of stuff wrong).

I don't think what /r/news provides here is news. I think it has value to an extent, but it also just leads to mob mentality, obsession over things we can't know, and to people becoming internet vigilantes: http://www.salon.com/2013/04/19/the_internets_shameful_false.../

AlderaanDuran  ·  4200 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    over things we can't know, and to people becoming internet vigilantes

I found it funny that 4chan and Reddit were sure that their internet-CSI divisions had found the bombers in pictures before the feds/cops did. Numerous people were even patting themselves on the back like they had already cracked the case at that point! Turns out, out of the like 5-8 different people they thought were suspicious and had circled and posted all over the internet, NONE of the people they pointed out were the actual suspects. They were flat out wrong, and many of those people had their lives turned upside down when other shitty news sites started posting reddit/4chans speculation of who the suspects were. It was shitty of them. But the moment CNN says ONE thing wrong "HURRRRR THE MASS MEDIA IS SO DUMB WE'RE BETTER AT SPREADING INFO!" The whole community is filled with hypocrites.

I hate all those twerps who want to play arm-chair detective. It's fine doing it in the comfort of their own home, but when they are posting the pictures of people they think did it all over the internet and in every thread about it, it's just careless, and makes them no better than the media when they make mistakes, because they always make MORE mistakes than any media network I've ever come across. Sure they have an up to date timeline of events in situations like this, but like you're saying, it's just a timeline of mostly rumor and unconfirmed reports that they get from scanners, or other commenters. It's all fun and games until they start accusing some high schooler of being a terrorist who set off the bombs.

The reason I don't go to that community rarely anymore is because it's filled with people like that. Lazy geniuses who think they are doing the professionals jobs for them and so proud of it... yet all they do is just type what they hear, no matter where they hear it, and update their timeline filled with rumor and hearsay, and of course the occassional fact. Whereas if I watch the news or read actual news sites, at least I get mostly facts, and not the other way around.

Reddit/4chan disgust me in situations like this. They've done nothing but pinpoint, out, and harass a bunch of innocent people and pat themselves on the back while doing it. And when proven wrong, no apologies, no "we were wrong", no "oops", just onto the next speculation... and throughout the entire process, still thinking they are better and more informed than everyone else...

geneusutwerk  ·  4200 days ago  ·  link  ·  

What you just said reminds me of the interaction between David Carr and Vice during the NYTimes documentary.

Everyone is being hypercritical of old media, while constantly forgiving the flaws of new media.

AlderaanDuran  ·  4200 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Just because you put on a fucking safari helmet, and went and looked at some poop, doesn't give you the right to insult what we do.

What a fantastic line by Carr. I enjoy some of the Vice stuff, but he's right. It's just news pornography for the most part, though it is entertaining.

    Everyone is being hypercritical of old media, while constantly forgiving the flaws of new media.

Well said, and simply put. Far more concise and easier on the eyes than my rant was. :)

user-inactivated  ·  4200 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I've been following it for quite some time, it's just info that comes straight from police scanners. So if that's rumor, then sure, you're right. But it's rumor I want to hear if possible.

geneusutwerk  ·  4200 days ago  ·  link  ·  

It is rumor. Case in point, they reported on an explosion near Harvard late last night, and then that report became a planned demolition to get rid of a bomb, and then that explosion became nothing because it was nothing.

user-inactivated  ·  4200 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That's fine ... I still want to hear it? The rumor is confirmed or disconfirmed within a few minutes, and they've been extremely accurate about locations throughout. Once again, the sources they're using are police scanners and tweets from people on the scene. Not sure what your point is.