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comment by cliffelam
cliffelam  ·  4297 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Discuss: Gun Control Failed Because...

Ah. Got it.

By the way, I call BS on that 90% number. I suspect that 99% of the people who "support" it don't really have it properly explained. I never could figure out what it meant from the lamestream media - "required background checks when buying guns over the internet" is stupid as you can't buy them that way now.

And if you require private gun sellers to do background checks, well, I could run one on you, couldn't I? If I have to handle a 4473 from you then I have your SS#, etc. Plus if you then get turned down, then I know that you've probably been registered into a mental health facility or lied about an arrest. Heady stuff. I think most people would not be in favor of that.


cgod  ·  4296 days ago  ·  link  ·  

The idea of keeping a list of mentally ill people would have terrible consequences. The vary mentally ill people you wanted to keep away from guns would never get help because they would have their guns taken away.

I can't say that I think most people would be against background checks that revealed mental illness or a criminal history, people are pretty scared of everything in this country and will willingly give up any right to feel safe.

b_b  ·  4297 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Perhaps not. I can't say I have a strong opinion on gun control. Whether the support for the bill would wane if everyone was aware of the minutia contained within is certainly a relevant question. Still, I would argue that independent of the specific debate, our legislative process has turned into a farce. I think understanding the legislative process is more informative and interesting that any particular topic.

cliffelam  ·  4297 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Well, it's certainly clear that most of the people legislating "gun control" know very little about guns but are fascinated with control.


b_b  ·  4297 days ago  ·  link  ·  

It's my personal belief that gun violence is a symptom of a much bigger disease. I base this only on my own experience (anecdotal, a terrible thing to base beliefs on, I know). I live a mere 25 miles from where I grew up. Both cities have very high rates of gun ownership. The place I grew up, Rochester, MI, a wealthy suburb, has negligible crime, while my current place of residence, Detroit...well, we all know the stats. Therefore, it's incorrect to conclude that guns cause crime. Guns are correlated with crime, and they certainly make committing violent crimes easier. But areas with lots of guns are not necessarily ares with lots of violence.

The thing Detroit has that Rochester doesn't is unmitigated poverty, which is itself a form of violence. We can take away every single gun in the country, and kids would still be starving. I wish lawmakers would drop their obsession with treating the symptoms and focus on the disease. The best anti-gun bill would be an effective anti-poverty bill. That I would support.

cliffelam  ·  4296 days ago  ·  link  ·  

We've spent billions and billions, well, trillions really, on poverty since the Great Depression and especially since LBJ's Great Society push.

I don't think any amount of money can overcome serial multi-generational bad decision making.


b_b  ·  4296 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I don't mean to say that more money will solve poverty. That approach seemed to have results early, but has stagnated or even reversed of late. What we should do is to rethink how we're spending the money that is already committed. I was one of the few liberal leaning people I know who didn't laugh off Newt Gingrich's suggestion of paying school kids to clean the lunch room and help out with chores around the school. I would be all in for giving a teenager $10/hr to clean up litter in my neighborhood. I think that some way of letting kids have the experience of making a paycheck, of having their own money that they earned, will do wonders to break the cycle of poverty that gets passed through the generations.