Good point again. Thank you, I hope a nice little vacation in nature will help sooth my mind.
Now that's something I've always been interested in trying.
Yeah jazz studies with emphasis on bass performance. Haha, you have a point. Sooner or later I will. I don't have any qualms about trying drugs that occur naturally.
Yes, a vacation might help a lot. Regardless, give yourself 2 weeks before you make a decision. I took 3 to make a final decision and I'm glad I did because my emotions and viewpoint swung back a forth a lot. Also, if you do decide to quit, make sure to go through the right paths and don't burn any bridges. Make it a leave of absence so you have a backup for a period of time. I was on LoA for 2 years and NYU still emails me today asking if I want to register for classes next semester.