People do mention that OJ was acquitted and then nailed in civil court - bout every time you hear his name. I'm just tired of the double standard for Rush relative to other (*cough* left cough) people. -XC
I think mk's "glass house" comment is spot on. When you live by the sword...
So when Hilary finger-wags and they don't mention her serial pathological lying and a 25+ year investment in a sham marriage, that's not a glass house double standard? When Bill gets on the campaign trail as a surrogate for Obama and accuses Romney of lying or Rand of saying kooky stuff, nobody mentions his gigantic history of sexual harassment (proven), financial scandals, etc, etc? Nope, no double standard here, move right along..... Did you hear Leno last night? Fox is changing their tagline from "Fair and Balanced" to "I told you so!" -XC