The blog this article was 'retrieved' from has this update: Here are the WCRF recommendations from the report. So processed meat should be avoided. I'm not sure 'too dangerous for human consumption' has the same meaning, but the take home message is basically the same.The World Cancer Research Fund caught wind of our article. Thanks to everyone who has been spreading the word! As they put it, they were “in no way involved in the production of the article.” And they weren’t. We read their review and drew the only logical, possible conclusion. Their official response… “The articles talking about processed meat being ‘too dangerous for human consumption’ are unhelpful and scaremongering.” Yet in the very same online post, they tell you to avoid processed meat because it can cause bowel cancer! We’re sorry. But if a food is directly linked to 4,000 cases of bowel cancer in the UK alone (according to their stats), it is indeed “too dangerous for human consumption.”
Yes, it's like saying cigarettes are 'too dangerous'. It's a bit of a silly conclusion. One shouldn't smoke a pack a day, if one wants to have good health. But if you're smoking here and there, it's probably not that bad, all things considered. I'm sure the same is true with processed meats. Having a hot dog a few times per year at the ballpark or a backyard bbq isn't going to ruin your life. But common sense dictates that you shouldn't eat these foods everyday for a multitude of reasons, not just cancer risk.