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comment by AlderaanDuran
AlderaanDuran  ·  4155 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: LGBT Fight starts in Michigan

    Makes no sense. Govt should be out of the marriage business all together imo.

Here here! Divorce is legal, people getting auctioned off on reality marriage shows like Flavor of Love or the Bachelor/Bachelorette are legal, no one goes after the catholic church for pedophilia and sexual assaults... but "oh noes... two dudes kissing? Gross! We need legislature preventing these people from ruining "the sanctity of marriage"!"

Minnesota just passed our gay marriage bill recently, was so proud of my state that day. I don't even have any gay friends nor really care myself, but I care that my government thinks it's wrong for two consenting adults who love each other to get married. They say "Oh, well where do we draw the line!?"... TWO CONSENTING ADULTS. DONE. No, people aren't going to be asking to marry their horses now.

Such a stupid debate, but thankfully things are starting to change.