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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  4118 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Do you have any scar stories?

When I was 18 I took a year off between high school and college to play in my band. For work I became an electric meter reader. One day while reading meters, I drove up a long driveway to find a man gardening outside with his two dogs. One dog was on a chain and the other was running free. I rolled down my window and asked him, "are the dogs safe?" He replied that the dog running free was friendly but the one on the leash was not.

I got out of the car and immediately the dog running free ran over to me and bit my leg.

I was bleeding quite a bit and the guy took me in and cleaned my wound. I went to the ER, per company policy and while there they gave me a few stitches and they gave me a drug test. -Also company policy.

Back then I smoked a fair amount of pot. Two days later I was fired for drug use.

The scar has faded over the years, but I can still see it and when I do I'm reminded of the only job I was ever fired from.

Stupid dog!

humanodon  ·  4118 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That sucks. One thing I don't like about "dog culture" in America is that people tend to have huge dogs and when the dogs are running free, the owners tend to be super slow about coming over and grabbing them. Those owners tend to be really unapologetic about it too.

After years of living in a place with feral street dogs, I have no qualms about throwing rocks at strange dogs or hitting one with a stick if it's moving toward me aggressively. I do however, understand that in America all dogs are "babies" and striking a dog is slightly worse than mugging someone.

Did the dog owner know you lost your job because of it?