I watched the video Lil. There is no doubt that excessive force seems to have been used. I mean, a knife vs 9 bullets? He seemed to not be a threat to anyone but perhaps himself at that point. Why wasn't a taser used first? Barring finding out that the police were told he had a gun in his pants or something else, I don't see how this can be anything less than the excessive use of force. I will say that, like anyone, this cop deserves to have his version told too. But... I'm hard pressed to think of how his version is different from what the video shows. As for my first comment, I think it's just worth mentioning in your description of the event that it wasn't just some kid with a little knife. This young man was threatening to hurt and sexually assault young women. I agree with theadvancedapes that he was likely on drugs. Guess we shall see. Sad story. edit: Link in original comment fixed.
Re why the Taser wasn't used first -- Here is a frame-by-frame analysis of what the video shows by a former police investigator. He says that only a sergeant has the taser. He is not on the scene at the beginning. At 4'50" on the video, you can see the taser-carrying officer arriving. -- after the nine shots have been fired and Sammy is lying on the floor of the bus. He arrives with his taser, -- and gee, I guess since he's there, he has to use it. He came later http://globalnews.ca/video/750985/analysis-of-viral-video-of...