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comment by AnSionnachRua
AnSionnachRua  ·  4169 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Are You In Love?

    In this game of Texas Hold Em’ heterosexual males are at a disadvantage because we are expendable. Sperm is infinite (and therefore free). In order to make themselves valuable, men have to do more work during the stage of limerance (courtship) to find a valuable mate. Women have to make themselves appear valuable to men as well, but not to the same degree that men do because eggs are the scarce (and therefore valuable) resource. As a result of this biological difference men usually feel limerance much faster than women do (to make them pursue and “put in the effort”). But when in a state of limerance, there is no male/female difference. This is because, although sperm is infinite, a sexually committed male is not.
This is an interesting piece of evolutionary explanation. It certainly explains why so many guys I know seem to, as I have otherwise put it, invest a lot of emotion in girls they really have weak (or non-existent) emotional bonds with.

The part discussing that it's unnatural to love for several decades is interesting too, and reminds me of a discussion I recently had with someone about serial monogamy, a term of which he'd never heard.

theadvancedapes  ·  4169 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    It certainly explains why so many guys I know seem to, as I have otherwise put it, invest a lot of emotion in girls they really have weak (or non-existent) emotional bonds with.

Everyone can deny it if they want, but males have sex mainly based on opportunity.

AnSionnachRua  ·  4169 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Especially interesting is the contrast with the video asking women for sex. The men seem to be kept from agreeing only by their suspicion, if at all, whereas the woman react with outright mockery or disgust.

theadvancedapes  ·  4168 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    The men seem to be kept from agreeing only by their suspicion, if at all, whereas the woman react with outright mockery or disgust.

Yes, it was a perfect and simply social experiment to show the fundamental difference in the sexes approach to sex. It comes down to gametes. Sperm is free and not valuable. So when men are in a situation where a woman just really wants their sperm and nothing else they jump at the chance. Of course this situation never actually happens because women behave by their own evolutionary logic. In contrast, eggs are certainly not free so a woman will not just give them to a man "for nothing" - hence the mockery/disgust.