Please continue to edit as you go through. There are still some paragraphs that are way too long, and some discontinuities - but I suppose that's to be expected when there are 10 authors in search of a storyline. Take the opening for example, with the dates and the constitution. Maybe thenewgreen will reincorporate that at some point (or take it out). Anyway, have fun. It's a lovely experiment in collaborative mindmeld. I might have made some editing errors also - it was way too late and I couldn't see what I was doing as I kept falling asleep.
One thing this has definitely taught me is that it's really hard to copy long swaths of text on Hubski and retain the proper formatting. There's no way to keep italics and stuff like that. I'm not even sure how all the paragraphs disappeared in my version.
Ok. I don't mind smoothing things out, as I see them. I wasn't sure if we should be doing that as sometimes threads can get removed before they play out the way that someone envisioned, but I definitely like the idea of keeping it tight. I think this is the advantage of having an external editor for this, but I also want to see what you're going to do to the story (if you choose to participate).
Feel free to fix any of my discontinuities as part of the editing process. I give you carte blanche.