This sent me on an evolutionary thought tangent -- once upon a time, being able to see in the dark would have been such a huge evolutionary advantage that it might have propagated pretty quickly (might, depending on the vagaries of the gene pool); now, however, it's worthless for survival in a large part of the world. I wonder what other traits have surfaced and faded in a similar manner.
Suppose you're a mugger. night vision is aan evolutionary advancement for you. And while I agree with TNG that the page is purest crap, there's a PDF I could share.
Check out the other articles from that site. Just saying...
No worries, I just recently had a "conversation" with someone about this article from that site. It's complete rubbish. So I'm a bit sensitive to the site.
Well, according to the site, vaccinations cause autism and there is an article on how an autistic boy may be smarter than Einstein, so it stands to reason that the more vaccines we give to people, the more likely it is that we or our children will be smarter than Einstein. Perhaps then, we will be able to solve the photogenic mystery that is bigfoot.