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HGL  ·  1838 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Panerai: For when you want to overpay for a planetarium but only if it's WRONG

I wanted a planetarium for my daughters room but realized it just wasn't practical without spending big bucks. Even the crappy ones are kind of expensive.

HGL  ·  1889 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The news is scary

Its the stupid reddit echo chamber, turn that shit off. WW3 isn't happening, its not even close, the fact that NPR and NYT aren't running propaganda pieces about how awesome it is that we killed this guy is a good indication that its unlikely to go crazy out of control. I think this is the first time I've ever seen the mainstream media write such positive things about a guy who was actively organizing terrorist groups to kill US citizens and probability contributed to the deaths of hundreds of Americans. Crazy world we live in, but also speaks about how little appetite there is for war.

HGL  ·  2036 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: August 7, 2019

Serious question where in Seattle would you farm out brake work to without getting ripped of?

HGL  ·  2183 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: March 13, 2019

My casual observations in no real order.

They make actuators with a fluid that passively expands when it gets hot for greenhouse applications. Kind of pricey but really cool. Also think about the edges of the window, idk what yours look like are they channels or some other shape that will trap moisture and mold?

You will want an upper beam thats not in the sketch on the roof, that will prevent the panels from taking a bunch of shear load.

You are missing a window retention ledge i think, those windows will take a ton of load, you will want a strip of wood or something to distribute load into them.

You probably have too many windows, you don't need that many since at least 1 side will very little sun.

Figure out what the available angles are for metal roof brackets at the hardware stores. Use one of those if not using one already.

The center span will sag way too much. Youll want to put posts every 24" or closer. 4 post wont cut it with that long of a span.

HGL  ·  2183 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Andrew Yang on Joe Rogan Experience — I think this guy could win

I predict racism against Asian Americans is way too strong to overcome in this election cycle.

Sadly its still basically ok in American society to be racist against Asian Americans so its going to take a couple more decades to overcome.

HGL  ·  2210 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What This Seat Bracket Says About the Future of Automotive Manufacturing

If you're sintering it, it's got effectively none - you're fusing powder and the unfused powder goes back in the hopper.

That was the original thought... but turns out the powder thats was near the laser gets affected by the heat and if you pour it back in you get all sorts of additional material oddities in the next part. So you get get material properties for the first part but the scatter kills you on part #2.

Idk why you would make 3D printed heat sinks... probably because you have too much money but ok it works fine in any application where you dont need structural material properties. So if you want to turn a 10c heat sink into a $5 one you can or if you need some sort of fancy decorative shape for a trim price, great but the technology is decades out for practical and cost effective structural applications. You will see this stuff pop up here and there as peoples pet projects or to show how cutting edge some company is but its just not ready for prime time, and may never be.

I should caveat that all by saying that 3d printed parts like this should be great for fluid systems applications. Any time you need weird mixer geometries with internal cavities, probe holes, flow reducers and mixers 3D printed parts like this will work great.

HGL  ·  2210 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What This Seat Bracket Says About the Future of Automotive Manufacturing

All the properties of a casting, waste to usable material ratio of a hog-out and a part geometry so damn complex it can only be verified by proof testing. Whats not to love about this? If you think this is the future of manufacturing i have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

HGL  ·  2249 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: January 9, 2019

Start us off with a song from 2016 because its so much more relevant right now and its such a fantastic fit for this week in US politics.

HGL  ·  2289 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: US life expectancy drops again as opioid deaths and suicide rates rise

Good news for states and pension funds. Actuarial payout expectations are going down.

HGL  ·  2289 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: November 28, 2018

You buy a house because you want to stay put and raise a kid. Or because you bought a du/tri/quad-plex and that makes financial sense. It is hugely isolating because houses are rarely located in central city hubs and services and so you end up living far away from everything.

HGL  ·  2289 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: People of African descent face 'dire picture' of racism in EU

Also probably why the strongest proponents of clamping down on Illegal immigration are legal Immigrants. When people from your ancestral region illegally move into the country without any regard for laws or legal processes it deligitimizes your perceived status in that country. It makes it harder for people who Immigrated legitimately to go about their daily business, without discrimination or prejudice. This is true if you are of a different skin color but also true even if you are say a Slav or other similar colored but slightly different complexion person.

HGL  ·  2295 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Grubski! Thanksgiving edition! What did you cook? Share here.

Have you all heard of stuffing waffles? Its where you take the stuffing that you made for thanksgiving shove it into a waffle maker and make the best savory sausage waffle ever. Every year I make a whole casserole pan of stuffing just so that i can make waffles out of it later. Maybe upload some photos tomorrow.

Otherwise just the usual. Turkey, gravy, stuffing, taters, salad and pumpkin pie. It takes an awfully long time to get that all done from scratch as it is. Almost no pre made ingredients this year minus the stuffing bread. Stock, pie, gravy, all from scratch.

HGL  ·  2295 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Great Black Friday Swindle

Retail weeks seem to be broken up into two categories, either you have volume weeks or margin weeks. Volume weeks are major holidays. If you buy you pants during any of the volume weeks they are always going to be 40% off maybe 50% but roughly the same amount. If you have a sudden emergency and buy them during a margin week, well fuck you pay the sticker price. The internet has kind of taken a bite out of that model but even a online company like Duluth will only price their underwear at the 15$ point a few times a year (vs 22 normal).

Black Friday, its basically the last volume shopping week of the year. The last round of major sales and following a huge drought from labor day all the way through the days before Thanksgiving. If you need to replace clothes, or a toaster or maybe buy more underwear anytime after labor day this week is your last good opportunity. Prices are going to be at one of the lower points of the year. There may be better sales later, but its not guaranteed and the high demand stuff will have run out probably till early Feb or for clothes till next season.

For the true bargain hunter its always a cat an mouse game between retailers and consumers. For a couple years consumers did great as the internet was becoming a thing and people were able to front run deals. Retailers wised up but people have gotten better at price comparison and coupon stacking as well. Tools like CamelCamel and websites like www.slickdeals.com help you find a verify that you are getting a good deal easily. But even for a casual its a good time to stock up on Christmas gifts and replace items that are damaged and worn.

I'm sure a lot of people get carried away and buy shit they don't need, but with online shopping I've been able to mostly just buy things that I already needed and have just held out on buying. The black Friday Walmart riots make no sense in this day and age, I can get the same damn deal those people fought over delivered to my house without even putting pants on. Its gotta be something about the scarcity mentality that makes people go feral.

The presence of black Friday is probably another poverty trap for people on the margins. If you make good money you dont really care about waiting a month or two to spend it. You also probably also have enough extra pants and underwear to defer replacement. If you live pay check to paycheck you either get nailed by high prices or high credit card interest. Pick your poison. That's probably that biggest realy negative impact of the black friday model.

My tally so far:

1 Instant pot Ultra: 85$ (180)

1 Nintendo Switch $180 (300)

2 Switch games $90 (120)

1 Car Seat $120 (200)

1 Pack and play $25 (50)

1 Cast iron Crock pot for bread making 18 (Probably wouldn't have bought it otherwise)

In case you are wondering I missed the Duluth underwear deal they came down to about 12 bux a pair after coupon stack. I maybe Ill try to claim warranty on the existing pairs instead.

Still considering buying another couple pairs of darn toughs, and a replacement lined jacket.

HGL  ·  2299 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Your Children’s Yellowstone Will Be Radically Different

Damage due to Instagram vs Damage due to climate change... yeah things are going to change not for the better. Thing is climate change is inevitable, its happening and it cant be stopped. We need to spend more money researching how best to mitigate the impacts and preserve as much biodiversity as possible not trying to prevent that which cannot be stopped.

HGL  ·  2303 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: November 14, 2018

I dont get it KB, why waste your time on a formal education? Why not just go out, buy some equipment that will hold value and spend you time building things, learning from practice and maybe doing workshops with real pros once in a while? Do you need that piece of paper to get a loan or something?

HGL  ·  2303 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why are Young People Having so Little Sex?

Living with people really makes it hard for unattractive people to hook up. If you live alone nobody is going to judge you for your choices, if you have room mates you have a lot of pressure to conform to social norms of partner choice. Definitely would be a contributing factor

And create their own...

HGL  ·  2311 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: November 7, 2018

Call the insurance and take your free money. I called insurance for minor bumper damage and got 1k in compensation. Replacing and color matching bumpers is really expensive and you can legaly take the money and not do the repair. Totally worth it

HGL  ·  2313 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Forget About The Candidates. What Else Is On The Ballot This Week?

We have 50c a gallon gas tax to fund brand new government agency that will do something about something related to global warming. All major polluters are of course exempt.

We have a horribly misguided gun storage initiative.

A ban on taxing poor peoples eating habits

And an initiative to crapify the police force and make them do a bunch of worthless mandatory training videos.

HGL  ·  2318 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Sailfish 3 is here!

This is the only sailfish for me https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sailfish_(sailboat)

I was thinking this was a Turkish power play. Erdogan is an absolute monarch as well so the fact that they are releasing so much footage and data to the media means his interest are in getting this to blow up as much as possible. The coverage this is getting on social media, reddit, etc makes me think that there are a lot of powerful actors at work spreading the outrage for their own purposes. I agree that its an outrageous story but the fact that its being talked about so much in spite of so much Saudi money looking to make it go away makes me wonder if there is some other powerful actor moving behind the curtain.

I'm surprised you attribute this to an independent move by the WaPost and the 4th estate. I could see that being the spark, but someone else has provided the fuel and keeps pouring more onto the fire.

The question is what changed? By all logic this should have been a non issues especially in comparison to all the other issues you mentioned so why weren't they able to get away with it this time? Is this Turkey hitting back or is more powerful factions hitting back at Saudi? I dont actually think that the world truly gives a shit about Khashoggi so why do they? Someone is mobilizing conventional and social media to strike back MBS and the house of Saud but its unclear to me who or why now?

Whats the real story here KB? There is some sort of geopolitical upheaval going on behind the scenes and this is clearly just a proxy war of sorts. Any idea what kind of political shift and infighting is actually happening?

HGL  ·  2348 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Elon Musk settles with SEC over fraud charge

maybe it will fit in the pedo submarine

HGL  ·  2362 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How to Buy a House the Wall Street Way

Sure you could use an algorithm to do this, but realistically how many houses actually get listed in any of the top 20 real estate markets on any given day in a price range/size that is suitable for renters. You could manually scan through all of them with a peon that gets paid $15-20 an hour. So really what they are selling is a promise that an algorithm can do it better so they can sell themselves for 100-300x of what they are actually worth

HGL  ·  2366 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: September 12, 2018

Saddness, maybe hes worried that is social media postings could negatively affect his work. The Portland social justice gestapo is a powerful force.

HGL  ·  2382 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Random Quotes of the Week (Aug26-Sep 1 2018)

Sounds like the perfect time for investors to cash out and find a greater fool

HGL  ·  2382 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Uber gears up for shift to bikes on short trips, CEO expects short-term financial hit

    And they're for profit.
- citation need.

Not really UBER is desperately expanding revenue at any cost, paying $1 for .25C of revenue seems withing their normal operation.

There are a lot of infrastructure related problems for bikes as well. Most cities arent designed for them and keeping a bike safe outside is next to impossible. The car-to-go business model wouldn't really work either if a large percentage of cars ended up with slashed tires, cut breaks and submerged in the lake.