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InTURRIStingIdea  ·  3631 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Afterlife is Real, Do Not Kid Yourself

Well written but disguised as discourse. It never lives up to its actual premise:

>Even if you take the idea of God out of the equation it is impossible to rectify that we just become dust once again.

You don't even come close to answering this question which is the lynch pin of any argument for or against an afterlife. Plenty of things in the Universe go through complex transformations (entropy) only to end as dust. You need to look at why we would be the exception to find clues to an afterlife (if even worrisome in this Universe at all).

InTURRIStingIdea  ·  3647 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The End of Apps as we Know Them

I'm definitely speaking in generalities but for concrete example, Theweathernetwork app is hopelessly broken despite its rock solid brand. Many todo list widgets I've tried are useless and un-configurable. Nearly all of my widget except for gmail/gcal go stale. I'm perturbed by the lack of context awareness widgets have, mostly just serving as a hotlink to the app for basic operations. The fact that I can't make a custom tiled layout of bookmarks an annoyance (wouldn't it be nice to have a metro style layout just for news bookmarks but not be forced in to it?).

I want to like widgets though. I'm sure there are good ones out there. I just haven't found many yet.

InTURRIStingIdea  ·  3647 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The End of Apps as we Know Them

Widgets simply need to get better. Right now they are pretty useless and the push data breaks all of the time on most non-google apps. I chalk this up to poorly designed apps where the widget is an afterthought.