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Why is that "unfortunate"?
WARNING the following post is extreamly opinionated and might offend you. Sensitive readers should refrain from reading the following post. I could do that and your counter argument "why didn't you?" is pointless. I don't say "I could do that" out of jealousy for a missed opportunity of income. I say it because I really could do that but chose not to, because it is pointless. Of course hipsters/cultural elite try to see some hidden meaning in art like that to appear better and above the mob of uneducated pesants. My daughter made a painting (that I have saved), when she was 10 months old, that would probably get raving reviews among people that claim crap like this is art (as long as they don't know it's made by an infant). I save that painting and hang it on the wall, because it is my daughters first painting. Not because it has some form of intristic artistic value or deep hidden meaning with deep emotions behind each stroke of paint. BTW wasn't it some guy that not long ago was hailed as a genius for hos abstract paintings just to fall from grace a couple of months later when it turned out all of hos work was made by his 4 year old daughter/nice. Suddenly all the paintings went from being haild as genious to worthless doodles by a child. Gives so much respect for the people that "understand" this type of art... So yes, I can do that. What I can't do is a still of a banana that remotley resembels a banana. /rant
Soviet was a "communist" dictatorship, modern China is a ultra capitalistic dictatorship. That's the difference. Also USSR poured insane amounts of GDP into the military, where China doesn't (or I should say, as far as we know they don't). China will prevail, may cause a lot of suffering for 10-100 millions but the new empire will most probably not fall.
I also would reccommend googling stuff. You have an area of interest just Google it or something related to it. For stuff like this it's too bad Google removed the "I feel lucky" button (or is it still there but hidden somewhere?). Another great way to fond a starting point is to go to wikipedia and clicking the random article button and just start reading. You'll be surprised at what things you actually might find interesting.
I'm still waiting to feel like an adult and start liking boring adult stuff. I'm in my early 30's and have a kid. But i still like doing stuff that, from my refrence point, are not what adults do. I still like playing video/computer games, I listen to heavy metal music (mostly black metal), I spend time reading on different forums etc on the internet, I know how to use a computer and so on. The thing is, this is the same for every generation. We always refrence being adult to something that the adults where doing/liking/listening to/dressing like when they where kids. For my self it's OK. I can live with being this huge man-child, I refuse to grow up and change my likes/taste in music/sense of clothing (all of which incidentally makes me what I asociate with being an adult from when I was a kid) ;o)
I can't understand why it is allowed in any developed country at all. In my country it is illegal to beat a child in any way (yes spanking is beating), so filming and putting it online just perplexes me. I have a daughter and I would never even consider beating her as a proper way of diciplining her. And if I ever did, it serves me right to be prosecuted for it
Any William Gibson novel! Nah just joking, they are allready written more or less from a bystanders perspective. I would like to see Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Eriksen from a bystanders perspective. Now I know some chapters let you see that world from a "bystanders" perspective but that bystander almost always has some connection to one of the main characters so I don't really consider them as random bystanders.
Following post is extremley opinionated, I just want to warn any reader that you might take offence. EU is a horrible idea that is even more horribly administered. I wish my country never joined EU, at least we're not in the Euro which is always positive. From the begining it was to reduce nationalism within (western) Europe and to, in the long term, reduce the risk of another pan-european war that escalates into a world war (after all within half a century europe was the breeding ground for two world wars). In the end it turns out to be a really beurocratic and slow machine which mainly manages to agree on teivial things, like standardising what curvature a banana or a cucumber needs to have to legally be allowed to be sold within the EU. Oh and on the reduce nationalism part hasn't worked out that well either, every two months the entire parlament moves from Belgium to France, because that's was a condition from Frances side since they started to feel sidelined. Further on the nationalism side, if anything, EU is increasing it. With increasing resentment between the greek people and the germans or Romanian beggars and every other state within the EU. Specially now when the economy is weak. This thing will crash and burn and it will not be plesant. Cultural differences within Europe are to big for it to ever work out. Only way this would work is with one conquering nation taking control and ruling Europe with an iron fist (an option that I personallly would rather not see).
This is not the answer to the question profit or non profit, but to get some money in for hostig cost etc. Start with some ads (try not making them to intrusive), one or two sponsored post on top of the front page and donations. Keep the balance books open for members to see costs etc. If the balance allows it start taking out salary (for the owners/main staff). But democratize this process by letting the users decide that salary. To make this work you (the owners) propose 2-4 levels for your salary with the lowest (ideally) being that of recommended minimum salary in the country you recide. Then the community vote what they think is fair (out of the suggested salarys) for you to get. After all, even if you work your ass off to create this platform, the community fills it with content that allows you to make money. Now some years this site might struggle with a deficit and other years it could run with a surplus. How the owners handle this might very well decide if the community is happy or not and thus affect the salarys. Of course in this case there needs to be a way to stop election rigging (founders creating 20000 dummy accounts just for the voting) but thats a different problem. Since this is my 2nd post on this site (I'm not from Reddit) you can always ignore what i wrote ;o) but I at least tried to contribute with an idea :o)
Are we talking the original BSG or the remake? :o) For the remake I can agree with you on season 1, that season was probably the best Sci-Fi television series ever made. But after that I felt it just got worse for each episode (the boxing filler episode in S2 for example) with the entire final season being horrible and the ending being even worse. Of course this is my opinion and noone has to agree with it. You can probably atribute some of the decline in quality to the writers strike with the last two seasons.