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TelecineTheDog  ·  3338 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What were the top movie and song when you were born?

The Fisher King

Good Vibrations - Marky Mark.

TelecineTheDog  ·  3352 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski Movie Club - Voting Thread #18

Starring an ensemble cast consisting of Dustin Hoffman, Isabelle Huppert, Jude Law, Jason Schwartzman, Lily Tomlin, Mark Wahlberg, and Naomi Watts, I Heart Huckabees is one of my all time favorite 'dark comedies.' I'm due for a re-watch, so maybe you guys can join me.

Someone else on r/Soylent laid out the numbers:

    California Prop 65 NSRL (No Significant Risk Levels) for carcinogens and MADL (Maximum Allowable Dose Levels) for chemicals causing reproductive toxicity:

        Cadmium: NSRL: 0.05 (inhalation) ; MADL: 4.1µg/day
        Lead: NSRL: 15µg/day ; MADL: 0.5µg/day

    Soylent 1.5 self-reported levels:

        Cadmium: 21.39µg/500ml = 85.56µg/day
        Lead: 4.99µg/500ml = 19.96µg/day

    Soylent is over the Prop65 safe harbor limits for cadmium and lead MADL and slightly over the lead NSRL, which means they must include a warning. My box of Soylent 1.5 does have a warning for children and pregnant women, but does not have a warning about carcinogens... probably because I don't live in California. Soylent claims they include the necessary warning for California, so I'm not sure exactly what they are being legally threatened about.

    sidenote... Prop 65 limits appear to be very conservative:

        "a person exposed to the chemical at the NSRL for 70 years would not have more than a "one in 100,000" chance of developing cancer as a result of that exposure"

        MADL "is determined by identifying the level of exposure that has been shown to not pose any harm to humans or laboratory animals" then that level is "divided by 1,000 in order to provide an ample margin of safety"

Somone over at r/Soylent seems to have dug up information on what now looks like a bogus claim:

    Except the levels present aren't high at all.

    I'll also add that ANYONE can post a press release on these mostly spammy pr 'news' sites.

    The guy behind that non-profit is Andrew Behar, who's previous employers include the 'Institute of Noetic Sciences' (a complete fakkin woo-woo 'institute' that "conducts research on such topics such as spontaneous remission, meditation, consciousness, alternative healing practices, consciousness-based healthcare, spirituality, human potential, psychic abilities, psychokenesis and survival of consciousness after bodily death.") and VivoMertic Inc (looks like a tiny ambulatory product company). He has a Bachelors in Communications and Media...

    Sounds to me like a fear-mongering hippie-nut.

    Edit: High Levels of Lead and Cadmium Found by As You Sow in Two Samples of the Trendy Meal Replacement Powering Silicon Valley Coders

    From: http://www.asyousow.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/As-You-Sow-Soylent-Press-Release_20150813-2.pdf

    Two samples? You are filing suit over TWO samples? Two samples out of MILLIONS shipped?! That's not science, that's hippie-dippie fear mongering. I'll also add they SEO optimized their press release, making sure to hyperlink their name... using press releases like this is a common SEO tactic

    Edit 2: If you search for 'food' on their site they seem pretty pro-fast food, pro-big food companies as it's article after article applauding such companies. They also seem very pro-themselves and pro-food babe with their 'articles' they get posted (probably via 'press releases') on news sites.

    Edit 3: And Andrew paid himself $124,800 for FYE 12/20/2013 out of $1,705,327 in revenue (that's 7.31%) yet they have page after page shitting all over CEO's for their salaries:



    http://www.asyousow.org/our-work/power-of-the-proxy/executive-compensation/faqs/ etc

    Edit 4: OP's account has had exactly two posts in 3 years, a NSFW activism photo and this post, the orca thing is right up As You Grow's alley leading me to believe OP IS EMPLOYED BY AS YOU SOW and a quick google search shows connections betweent he woman in the photo and As You Sow

TelecineTheDog  ·  3353 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: ▶ The Shins - No Way Down (In The Studio)

The Shins!

James Mercer actually explained how he conceptualized this song in an interview with MAGNET Magazine:

    “I read an article—I forget where, exactly—but it was just basically about how in the United States we used to manufacture a lot of stuff, like a lot of the microphones that I buy on eBay because they’re good, high-quality microphones, but they’re old. Nobody makes them anymore because we don’t make anything, basically. So it was about that issue, and it was about the argument that they were making. It was that big-money interests that lobbied to have free trade with Asia. So we were able to buy goods made in countries that had no respect for civil rights, and the relationships with the unions [in this country] could finally be skirted around and we could end that. So now we’re in the situation today where you cannot make a living, basically. We used to make every fucking thing we used, and we lost all that. Fucked the country, saved their asses, fucked the whole economy.”
TelecineTheDog  ·  3355 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I Asked Atheists How They Find Meaning In A Purposeless Universe

Granted, you'll probably fuck up your soufflé anyways.

TelecineTheDog  ·  3356 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ruleset Proposition: Dealing with the Proposition and Ratification of Rules

    It will overwhelm Hubski with #Hubnomic posts.

I acknowledge that Hubski might be suddenly flooded with #hubnomic posts, but I hardly think it will be overwhelmed. This ruleset is an attempt to find an organized way to vote and count votes and begin to emerge from the chaos of structure we find ourselves in these early stages of the game. I am not too terribly worried about overwhelming hubski as there are <20 followers at the moment, and users that get annoyed by the #hubnomic tag can always filter it.

    Replying to the proposition is the best way to keep votes organized.

If a proposition is made as a stand-alone post, the votes could take place in the comment section, but would not count as replies to comments as some comments would not necessarily be votes, but merely opinions on the rule/ruleset proposed.

If this particular ruleset were to be passed, I'm of the mind that we could amend rulesets in the comment sections (i.e "I propose to amend rule 1.x of the proposed ruleset") and votes for those amendments could take place within the replies to that comment. I chose to leave that out of this ruleset to keep things simple at this point and gauge interest.

Whatever comes out of this, this already seems like fun.

TelecineTheDog  ·  3359 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Leonard Cohen / Nevermind

True Detective season finale tonight!

A NOTE ON S02E07: Paul :(

TelecineTheDog  ·  3362 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What did you think of the debate today?

Watching Birdman is a much better use of your time IMO.

TelecineTheDog  ·  3365 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I am loving how nerdy you all are.

I'm still not entirely used to this. Granted, I'm still a new user, but in the first days of using Hubski I noticed a tendency to compulsively check back to the site for all the reasons you stated above. When I realized that I no longer needed to do that, I felt... relaxed.