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cylonbabyliam  ·  3091 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why the outcome of the 2016 election is already crystal clear

This is a very accurate critique. Even though I voted Obama, I now wish that Clinton would have won the previous election, because (although we wouldn't have my man, Sanders running) Obama would be available to run during this election and I think he would have made a much greater difference running AFTER Hillary, instead of before. Clinton was already pretty close to being a burnt out shill in the previous election, and now she perfectly embodies that, but I think she essentially would have done the same things in office that Obama did do during this administration, and then Obama would have the chance to come in and be a liberal superhero and champion a lot of the things that Sanders has latched onto.

But that's alternate history.

cylonbabyliam  ·  3092 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Picking Carly Fiorina may have actually hurt Ted Cruz

She ran for election in California, where her candidacy was almost laughable, partially because of the HP thing, partially because she was running against Jerry Brown who had very clear and comprehensive plans, which he has since executed in a manner that looks relatively centrist. Her solution was, of course, slash and burn.

cylonbabyliam  ·  3092 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Picking Carly Fiorina may have actually hurt Ted Cruz

How could picking a CEO who laid off thousands and failed to win an election possibly hurt him?

cylonbabyliam  ·  3097 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Dear hubski, what would you like to say to your 17 year old self?

When you get to 2nd Street, there will be a normal cardboard box at the intersection of 2nd and Monroe. Do not open the box.

cylonbabyliam  ·  3097 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A New Policy Disagreement Between Clinton and Sanders: Soda Taxes

Such as incentivizing manufacturers to reduce the production of soda products, and replace them with healthier alternatives.

cylonbabyliam  ·  3097 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A New Policy Disagreement Between Clinton and Sanders: Soda Taxes

We've seen behavior modification of this type work when we consider gas taxes. They tend to work much more efficiently than implementation of industry standards (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2013/02/22/study-gas-taxes-are-six-times-as-effective-as-stricter-fuel-economy-standards/), but they also place a burden on the poor and working class, who are forced to pay more for the commodity. I think that during this economic climate, where the poor and working class have been highly marginalized, seen their hours and benefits reduced, and now essentially exist in a separate economy from the upper class, we should find other solutions which place the burden of payment on the wealthy. I could support the taxes in a time of broad surpluses shared by classes across the spectrum, but right now while we have such a strongly class segregated society, I think that this just gives us more upward mobility barriers that we don't need.

I think that the perspective of this article is somewhat short-sighted. The fact that Trump IS collecting passive information from visitors of his site implies that he intends to use that information, or why else collect it? This list of voters will inevitably see distribution through a republican party controlled by Trump in the near future, or will see a sale to other republican entities by the Trump campaign, if Trump can't nab the election and doesn't decide to run independent. Either way, the damage to the party via the fundraising campaign is negligible in comparison to the political cleavages that his actual campaign is causing.

cylonbabyliam  ·  3097 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: U.S. to Increase Military Presence in Syria, Obama Says

It's ridiculous for us to commit a single additional soldier to any conflict in the Middle East without other NATO supporters playing a more active role. That being said, 300 soldiers doesn't unnerve me way too much, but if our presence continues to grow in Syria, I think we'll be looking at YET another quagmire. The most frustrating part of all of this is that the Administration (both this one and the last) is happy to dispense soldiers pretty much on a whim, because the constitutional provisions that put war into the hands of congress are all but dismantled at this point. I'd really like to see THAT tendency reversed more than anything else. There's no need for popular support toward or against a war at this point: since the Iraq war, the administrative branch has simply had a free pass to use the military at their own will. Mounting military authority in the administrative branch will quickly become a problem we can't solve, if we let it keep growing.

cylonbabyliam  ·  3097 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Dear hubski, why are you here?

I've become disenfranchised with Reddit, and I created a login on Hubski a while ago. Today is the first time I'm using it again. I tried Voat, but it's just the trashpile of hyper-conservative chauvinist ex-redditors. I figured I'd give Hubski a whirl instead.