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It's been a while since I've posted, here's a few:
BBC News, The Guardian, Reddit and New Statesman. Special interest - RockPaperShotgun (PC Gaming) and AndroidPolice (Android news)
Thank you, that's a really sweet thing to say!
It's definitely hard to pick but like you said without overthinking, here goes. I had a few that very nearly made it. 1. Elliott Smith, Either/Or
2. Nick Drake, Pink Moon
3. Joni Mitchell, Blue
4. Neutral Milk Hotel, In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
5. Beck, Sea Change
I listened to this again recently for the first time in a long while, fantastic album.
It definitely seems plausible. Here's an academic's response to the theory. I actually visited the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam recently, absolutely amazing place. Definitely worth checking out if you ever visit.
I was recommended AIrbnb by a friend and am possibly going to be using it to visit Amsterdam next week because I've got a week off from work. Any recommendations for places to see and things to do?
Been on a bit of a James Taylor kick lately I love Cat Stevens Françoise Hardy too
Currently working at a mortgage company doing admin, I'm saving up for the future. I might make a trip to Canada next year but I'm not sure yet. I've got a working holiday visa (lasts a year) but I'm not that keen on the idea because I originally got it so I could live with my ex-girlfriend which unfortunately didn't work out. I'm not sure if I want to still go because I'd be totally alone without any support over there while I'm working and/or travelling.
I had a go in DADGAD tuning, I don't have a recording setup so just used my webcam's microphone, so apologies for the quality. The only edits I made was a fade in and fade out at the end. I find it much harder improvising singing than I do guitar. Link here
1. The Tallest Man on Earth - Where Do My Bluebirds Fly It's a beautiful song, I think it's appropriate for this time of year too - kind of an autumnal feel. I love the rough feel of his guitar and voice.
I'm really digging the Cranberries at the minute and here's some other stuff too:
Apathy filled him
A Late Walk by Robert Frost
When I go up through the mowing field,
The headless aftermath,
Smooth-laid like thatch with the heavy dew,
Half closes the garden path.
And when I come to the garden ground,
The whir of sober birds
Up from the tangle of withered weeds
Is sadder than any words
A tree beside the wall stands bare,
But a leaf that lingered brown,
Disturbed, I doubt not, by my thought,
Comes softly rattling down.
I end not far from my going forth
By picking the faded blue
Of the last remaining aster flower
To carry again to you.
Makes me think of this Buddy Holly song
I've been listening to a lot of classic albums this week
Haven't posted in a while but here goes:
Try MusicBee, I switched from iTunes recently and I find it better in almost every way.
Find a teacher, I'm guilty of not doing this myself but I would be the first person to recommend you find one. If they're good they'll be able to guide you in the right direction, I'm sure of it. If not, check out this guy's videos he's a fantastic teacher.
Thanks, that was great, absolute gem in the comments section too.