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Back when I had a scanner, I used to do this type of thing by hand and post 'em weekly. I kept thinking about updating it, but didn't think my digital stuff would fit very well (even now, that last post seems out of place ;p) The old wordpress if interested:
This is really neat and awesome! I'm also glad it's going to be nature themed, rather than "<-- Witches House | Cat Bus Rides -->"
Nice paper! I didn't watch the video, though... I used to love watching TED Talks, but have been avoiding them lately. (I think, probably, maybe, because of a Hubski post ;p) Anyway, I've always had an interest in permaculture and love the zoning idea for cities; it just makes sense to me. Especially when I think about cities like Detroit -- imagine taking all those empty buildings and returning them to farmland. Blocks and blocks (you'd have to clear away a lot of stuff, of course) Lot of possibilities, imo, especially since nobody seems to want anything to do with it (haven't checked up on it in a bit, so I'm only assuming) Or, honestly, it could easily be scaled down to Town-size; most rural folks (like myself) I know already grow their own foodstuffs; permaculture right up to the town limits and even spilling over into parks. It's a lovely idea and I applaud you for writing about it - gets me motivated and helps idea spin. I'd love to hear more ideas and see more plans! -hats
Hope you don't mind, but... I played around with it a bit. Unfortunately couldn't get your sig fully (it's cut off in the org a bit) nor perfectly straight and cropped... But, that's my failing. After doing a lot of zooming and such, I've come to appreciate your attention to detail a lot! Again, keep it up~ (it'll be posted here and only here but will happily remove it if asked!)
Very nice perspective! Lovin' the colors as well, but would love to see it a bit more contrasting. Dark, grimy streets and gloomy (maybe a slight haze/fog?) in stark contrast to your wonderfully bright and glowing neon. I honestly haven't worked with pens/pencils in ages though, so super kudos! Do you like/have you ever tried oil pastels? I think you might enjoy playing with those a bit and have fun layering, smoothing and blending. The only "negative" (and don't think of it as that way, please) critique I could give is the focal character... Not sure if it's the perspective, proportions or the circumference of each arm being different.. but it seems a little off. It blends well with the other characters in the background to not be too jarring... but the more I stare at it (which, it is a main focal point ;d) the less I'm able to pin down what feels slightly awkward about it. Overall, however - love it :D Keep up this wonderful work! I look forward to seeing more. -Hats