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hubskier for: 3575 days
Never heard of this, I'll check it out. Thank you for the suggestion!
Actually swimming is a good one, I can do it indoors, with any weather type. I'll check out my local pool, thanks.
My parents had a similar thing, where I found out that they had this old phone Like this one They didn't use it, it was somewhere on the bottom of a closet. Anyway I found out that for the last 27 years they had been renting it from the phone company. Turns out they had paid almost a 1000 euros in total by now.
I kind of hope some alternative would offer all without a Facebook account and be the hit. Sort of like the vhs / betamax war (or is the porn thing an urban myth?).
Based on the username I'm going to guess Dutch (Netherlands), I'm Dutch as well. I don't vote left or right, I always go for the middle. Too left or right is never the best option in my opinion. The more extreme the less real. I do agree on some level that voting changes very little. If not doing what you promised after being elected is more likely than doing it, voting doesn't really make a difference.
I really didn't know what to pick, so I went with hubsk1
This reminds me of something Terrence mckenna once said in an interview: "Well, I think Marshall McLuhan pointed out that any technology put in place is extremely difficult to dislodge, and that is our problem. We went for the automobile so completely that it will now be a major effort at cultural restructuring to leave it behind. The Chinese have no such problem. I think it was Freeman Dyson, or perhaps Gerrard O'Neill, who said, "No technology should be put in place that has a foreseeable obsolescence." This was his argument against nuclear power. And I think that's an excellent point. We should not commit ourselves to any course of action whose end state can be foreseen. This is why we have to commit ourselves to this kind of conscious, open-system, non-equilibrium future that futurists like Jantsch, and West Churchman and others have so eloquently described in their work."
I think Africa can make a giant leap, by skipping some obsolete technologies the rest of the world is heavily invested in.
If you look at it from an economic perspective now is not the time. Oil is cheaper and more abundant than we have seen in a long time. I do agree we should move to solar, so we can try to save a bit of this planet.
Reminds me of that optimus keyboard
One of my favorite places is south Spain, Sierra Nevada to be more specific. My gf and I have been there a couple of times and we always go on long walks with our dog in the mountains. The reason I like it so much: The climate, it's always warm and it doesn't rain very often The scenery, just beautiful nature all around The smell, in the summer rosemary is growing everywhere and walking in the mountains it just smells incredible The people, most people in South Spain are very friendly The food, tapas and great dishes everywhere