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Isherwood, we had a great time with Allison of Sandford Photography. Congrats!
For what it's worth, I had a friend compliment Michael Jordan's cheeks one day. He was so taken aback he ended up chatting with her for much longer than I think he would've otherwise. For me it's gotta be eyes.
Yes, beyond senseless and sad.
It would've been epic!
That's pretty good ROI... What's a few billion dollars if you're getting trillions in return.
Boston is a great town. I enjoyed living off Mass Ave. between MIT and Harvard back in the mid 2000's. Congrats on getting back there! I love to travel. Mainly because I get exposed to so many cool new things.. Moving is a lot like traveling, basically like a super extended travelling experience on a deeper level. When moving from Tallahassee to Atlanta for college I was awoken to all that a "big city" had to offer....more culture, more diversity, more public transportation, more places to do things after dark and into the wee hours of the morning. When moving to Atlanta to Boston, I discovered you could do even more things after dark and into the wee hours of the morning, especially if you were in China Town...good times. Moving to cold climates made me realize that I'm only compatible with the warmer climates for the long haul. External things that you don't have control over, I came to realize, are a huge consideration for laying down your roots. To me cold is pain. To my wife heat is pain. So we met in the middle in moderate North Carolina. And since there are some cool folks in the area (back at you thenewgreen) it's easy to be like the Fonz and make the most of where I am and who I'm with.
Yes, that's was a great article. I especially like your note to self. That's some deep stuff right there and very true. I've been doing pushups as well, and have my goal at 20 as well. I've tried a few streak apps that are based loosely on Jerry Sienfeld's productivity hack where he uses a calendar to mark his writing streaks. He said for each day he does his task of writing, he'd put a big red X over that day and talks about streaks as a chain you don't want to break. I've sort of settled on using the Habit Streak Plan app but am checking out Lift now. HSP has a pretty easy to use UI but definitely lacks some of the visualization features it seems like Lift possesses.You land yourself in the circumstances you’re in, and that circumstance is death. With nothing done.
Because only when you’re dead do you not have energy and you ran out of time.
Find the energy, find the time and land yourself in the circumstances you want to be in — Note to self
"After a few days you'll have a chain. Just keep at it and the chain will grow longer every day. You'll like seeing that chain, especially when you get a few weeks under your belt. Your only job next is to not break the chain."
I'm always a sucker for bad jokes!
Early education is so important. Why can't the US be more like Europe and other parts in the world and provide it when gains are most prevalent?? Even more research suggests that early educations between ages 1-4 have a significant positive impact on outcomes. Do it for the kids!In most of Europe there is universal, good-quality preschool for three- and four-year-olds. In America, recent data show that fewer than half of all three- and four-year olds are enrolled in some form of preschool. Head Start, the main federal program, provides preschool funding for only about two-fifths of poor children in this group.
Neato! Who doesn't like flags?!?!?!... and once you run out of current flags you can kick it old school with past versions of country flags.
Of the 41 cases she witnessed....
Those who interact rarely with the police may assume that running away after a police stop is futile. Worse, it could lead to increased charges or to violence. While the second part is true, the first is not.
In 24 of these cases, the man got away. In 17 of the 24, the police didn’t appear to know who the man was and couldn’t bring any charges against him after he had fled. Even in cases where the police subsequently charged him with fleeing or other crimes, the successful getaway allowed the man to stay out of jail longer than he might have if he’d simply permitted the police to cuff him and take him in.
It's all about what failure leads to.... Those who embrace and view failure as a positive are more likely to go out and try something on their own. Granted these folks are more likely to have the means or support system to take this risk. If they fail, no biggie. Fortunately, the Silicon Valley's culture celebrates failure. As this enlightenment cascades into our cultural consciousness opportunities after failure will be bountiful.. There's nothing like a kick in the butt to really learn what works and take what you've learned to hear.