following: 3
followed tags: 12
followed domains: 0
badges given: 0 of 0
hubskier for: 3558 days
I've pretty much switched entirely over to Valiant comics aside from Daredevil and Ms Marvel. Valiant got rebooted in 2012, doesn't have a whole bunch of titles and is consistently pumping out amazing stories and characters in their shared universe. Go check them out.
I'm usually called Matt.
The only thing bugging me is that I want a list of my tags easily accessible so I can come to hubski and be all "oh I want to see what's being tagged #comics or #news". Is there a way to do that?
Yeah i think I get it now. Thanks.
Have you considered a patreon model? I'm sure others would chip in.
Ok, I still don't get it. If I click feed I see stuf I'm following but also stuff that's tagged, e.g., #uspolitics · #feelthebern · #sillyseason
There's a post titled "Dear America, get your head out of your ass about Bernie Sanders" in the feed right now with those tags. I'm looking to just see my followed tags.
I don't follow any of those. Come to thin of it I'm not following #newtohubski either. Are those Badged posts? Is there a way to select my followed tags anywhere? I don't see a way to go to those easily.
What is Hubski's revenue model? I don't see any ads anywhere.
Hah. Ok. I'm just kidding. I like what I see so far. Over the past couple years I've tried to trim my subreddits because the atmosphere in a lot of them was a little off. Hubski looks like everything I wish Reddit was so I'll be sticking around. Right now I see it's running slowly so I'm hoping the team at hubski are able to improve that.
Aha ok, That makes sense. Thanks for clearing it up. Here, have some gold....oh, right.
I've followed a few tags yet when I go to the main page I see all sorts of stuff with tags I'm not following. I didn't have to build a feed at all. How do I just see my followed tags?1) There is no default content. You must build your own feed.