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May I...You... We... They...
be free from danger
be healthy
be happy
love with ease
OHH I didn't know you were in Egypt! That's amazing. More photos please :)
eightbit where is this?
I don't think Mincome though is the end-all-be-all to guaranteed income plans, just a place to start thinking of ideas. There is a tremendous amount of waste in bureaucracy, giving cash directly to people allows them the ability to individually tailor plans to their own needs. You could even set something up of a transitionary period where recipients could chose between the current welfare system(food stamps, etc.) or guaranteed income. We also have to consider that our current Welfare system in the US suffers from a phenomena known as the "Welfare Trap" where recipients are essentially penalized for trying to seek higher forms of income, as it puts them in danger of losing welfare benefits, resulting in a net loss of benefits received. The Welfare Trap is a real thing that plagues our welfare system(as well a bureaucracy waste) and is a symptom of an engineered plan that doesn't effectively complete the objectives it was designed to fix. So regardless if we switch to a guaranteed income system or not, our current Welfare system is something we should not settle for, as it has obvious areas that require improvement.
Can you show your work? :) Because if you had a sliding scale like in the article, i.e. cap at x amount of dollars, every dollar earned after that x subtracts .50 cents from each dollar of guaranteed income.
I think if you took all of the social welfare we have in the USA, housing, health care, food stamps, etc. etc. Just paid people that money directly. It's more efficient. Less bureaucracy.
Pick up after yourself. It's the golden rule, if you leave something out, you're the worst flat mate ever. No TV/Movies in Common Areas. This stops people from camping out in the living room all day watching Orange is the New Black. Clean the kitchen. Please, please, please... Don't just wash your hair down the bathroom sink/shower drains. No one likes clawing out long moldy, foreign hair pieces(because we all know no matter how hard we try we are going to have to do it eventually, let's just take some precautions) Rules I break? Taking out the trash. But if you Jenga the trash, that's messed up.
Miss you back! I've been so busy in life, I just moved into a new house with new flat mates, and getting everything together has taken more attention lately and my online life has suffered haha :) What did I miss? Did you have a nice weekend?
They did this is 2 different rooms, an empty office, their own bedroom.
so I randomly start reading this and.... I noticed you wrote me into it. that really made my night!!! :):) what inspired you to write all of this? it's imaginative, I'm so impressed, your writing is really inviting and enjoyable. and that web design... tasteful
does favoring the idea of Universal Basic Income make me socialist?
reading this causes the best auditory hallucination ever. great song
pretty much exactly how I feel. Unless I could have like a nice lofted vertical room with high shelves filled with books in addition to one of those little ladders that slides down the wall, a fireplace, a comfy chair, and a plastic pipe that has bubbles. then. then thenewgreen, I would enshrine my books for ever!
hahaha I'm not married yet. But seriously, rule #47!? ughhh I took this photo and had much internal debate about posting it with my jacked nail polish ! glad you could mention it :/ lol have a great holiday!!
This is the first I've heard of this and honestly from what I've read so far, it seems like people are criticizing her for speaking out, and this is exactly why she needed to speak out. The entire world needs to have a much more serious conversation about the equality of women and girls, because this is a pervasive issue everywhere.
thanks thenewgreen ! sticker selfie! oh also, I loved butterfly stamp, it was a nice touch ....and the somewhat cryptic indication that I should simply go here fun stuff :) cheers! btw it's actually ms. ps you're so great for sending stickers around the world, I'll make sure to tag you when I post pictures of where I put them about the city that I'm in.