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I've got a Samsung Intensity 2, an OLD dumb-phone. Folks around me are telling me I need to upgrade to a smartphone. I know that if I did buy a smartphone, I'd be on it all the time looking up things on IMDB and Wikipedia. I'd be rude with it. I know how I sit around on my laptop all day; if I could do that when I left home, I probably would. I wouldn't be a good guy to my friends. I just have that obsessive personality.
Do we have any info--or comparison to aperture and length of exposure? These images are crazy bright-looking for how dim I expected it to be out there. I'm sure it's mostly coming from having a very good image sensor out there, but like all celestial objects, I'm mostly interested in what it would look like if I were the one floating out there 2.5 million miles away from Pluto.
Check out that Nook Simpletouch Glowlight. It's darn cheap and has that E-ink, non-backlight thing going for it. As for scale it's between a paperback and a trade paperback. But reading it is a pleasure. It's like creamy lotion for the eyes. No, that'd probably burn. It's eye-candy.
My nook is a wonderful thing. I love being able to look up unfamiliar words by tapping and holding. Its the first thing I miss reading a print book. What I've found surprisingly obnoxious now-a-days is holding the book open. That's actually kind of disappointing to me somehow because I LOVE the physical object and actually owning a thing. But I bought Anathem in print a few weeks ago in paperback. It's a 900 page monster and after 30 minutes of prying it open, I went online and (be it legal or not) pirated the E-book so I could read it on the nook. I do wish publishers would get on board with that whole thing too. My idea? Buy the book at the bookstore for $15 OR go online and get it for $10 as an E-book. OR buy the book for $17 at the book store and get a code printed on the receipt to download an E-book version when you get home.
That's impressive--writing on paper. When I left high school, we were just leaving the world of hand-written stuff. I had enough experience hand writing stuff, but in college, when I REALLY started writing quality stuff, I appreciated how flexible typing was. I don't do rough drafts anymore because the text is constantly evolving--it's fluid--until I finally decide to hit "attach" and off it goes to the professor or on to a blog or something. I LOVE the act of writing on a computer. But, still for eye-fatigue's sake, I print it out to proofread it.
And boy do we need to make sure our children appreciate the same thing (minus the beer thing, till they're older). We just started reading James and the Giant Peach to our four-year-old. Teach that appreciation of text on a page and what it makes you feel.
The sad thing is, I don't think "the next generation" of readers is going to notice their different reading styles. They're going to think skimming is reading and I don't think (with smartphones and tablets) they're going to be ABLE to sit down and focus on a page of text. As an old fart, I think it's shortening attention spans. As a Redditor coming here to Hubski, I've had to "slow my role" because reading as opposed to skimming is so much more important here. In the end, this is going to be a good thing for me--hanging out here.
I'm surprised the article didn't address backlit screens vs front lit or traditional print. Eye fatigue is a massive factor that effects our reading habits. In fact, I'd wager it's the ONLY factor messing with how we read on devices versus not. I know personally I cannot CANNOT read for content from a back-lit glowing screen. I can skim, browse, read short news articles (that yes, I probably read non-linearly like the article says) but when my art history professors dropped a few ten page articles on us every week to read, I HAD to print them out and read them on paper. People looked at me funny when I showed up to class with my binder of printed out articles, but I darn well know I got more content out of them. I own a Nook Simpletouch with Glowlight for my digital books. It's that E-ink display so it looks like regular soft-cover book/newsprint paper when you view it. When you turn on the glowlight, it's a front-light. Meaning the wee LEDs shine light on the front of the surface from the edges. Eye fatigue is non-existent compared to my mom's glowing Nook tablet thing. She can't read on it either and it's changed from a "take it on the boat to read while your dad fishes" machine into an AngryBirds and Facebook machine.
Super Metroid all the way for me.
Just finished Anathem by Neal Stephenson and am now just starting The Martian so I can read it before the previews ruin more of it. It seems like it'll be a FAR better book than a movie.
First Bill Cosby, now this. What's wrong with our heroes and role models? Yikes.
I was in my tree house deciding whether or not I could see myself spending the rest of my life with this girl I had a crush on. It was first grade. Even back then as a child, I never felt like wasting time. I was always playing the long game. I didn't realize I was old back then, but looking back, yeah, I was old to begin with. Truthfully though, I started realizing I was actually old when I didn't have time to learn to be good at video games anymore. Not only "be good at them," but I'm lucky if I can make it past tutorials anymore. They're just so darned complex now-a-days. edit: Ahh, you said "moment." I'll get back to you.
When you don't read the big event and that one series you've been enjoying since 2002 ends, it can be pretty frustrating. A quick search on Google and I wasn't able to see what's happening with the Daredevil series. SO SAD! I'm most looking forward to picking up with Miles Morales Spiderman. I would love a series where the events stop pooping all over his story and we get to see him learn to be Spider-man.
In Michigan, we've had way below normal temperatures, but in the west, it must be a nightmare with the heat and the lack of rain. Yikes.
Our state did it for revenue. Weird thing was in southwest Michigan, all the firework places were across the state line in Indiana. People'd drive down there for their mortars and big boomers. (the ground-based ones were legal here) But over on the southeast side of the state, all the firework stores were on the Michigan side because (I think) ALL fireworks were banned in Ohio. I guess the cost of a few lives and some hospital visits, and a few noise complaint calls to the non emergency police numbers doesn't eat as much as the revenue makes. It's just a really obnoxious way for the states to make money--mostly because people don't stick to the hours and enforcement is next to impossible. If the state wanted money, station some cops around neighborhoods at 11:50 and start handing out the $500 dollar tickets at 12:01.
My wife had to wake up at 4:30 the next day to open the cafe she helps manage. The day after sucked for her. We're both old and cranky beyond our years. (we're 35ish)
Thanks for your input on PTSD. There's a dollop of proof for the fact I make assumptions. I'm sure there are some folks it bothers, but perhaps fewer than I thought! I guess at the age of 35 I'm turning into a cranky old man. I'm not bothered that I'm getting cranky, because at least I know how I want things to be. I do however need to investigate the why of both sides to be fair. I'm sure there are some things I do or don't do that make other folks freak out. Thanks again!
I found Seveneves at a thrift store and I'm dying to tear into it. I've got two books in front of it in line.
I'm about 50 pages from the end. Fraa Jad is up to something. I need to know more about those Thousanders.
This stuff is great. When I sit here and close my eyes and stretch my brain out to understand how vast the cosmos is, it really just takes the words out of me. We are so insignificant. My choices are insignificant on such a grand scale. On the macro-scale of this planet they're important, but taken in everything there is to see and do out there in space (if we could get there, if we had no cosmic speed limit to follow) . . . yikes. I'm pretty sure I'm an athiest, but when I put my mind way out there and take everything in, I start asking how. Why. WHY did the elementary particles end up aligning this way so that consciousness were possible. In multiple universes there are likely universes where the atoms and laws don't work together to create anything sustainable and they blink out before they're formed. So multiverses. Why and where. Why does the policosom manifest this way? Even if there IS something somewhere out there and the polycosom is something happening in a slide under a microscope, why them? It really makes me get all metaphysical. But the scientists are doing the right work--even if it's not solved during my lifetime, or my son's lifetime, this stuff is fascinating. I wish I understood the math so I didn't have to take their word for it. Back to reading Anathem--a great sci-fi book if you're into the multiverse theory.
Did I just hear you say we should vote for Bernie Sanders? I hope he becomes a legitimate candidate.
He came in and did what he could. It's felt like his hands have been incredibly tied most of the time, though I wouldn't want to give Republicans the sort of unfettered control that I wish Obama had, so there's that. I do wish he'd have been more willing to full-on confront the BS he was faced with in the beginning and call out the detractors. I think he'd have done more for his race to politically sacrifice a second term to say, "okay, here's my birth certificate, the christmas tree in the residence, and by the way, I stole the idea for the ACA from Republicans--it reduces freeloaders, you idiots." And I say "it'd do more for his race" because I do believe the blind resistance to cooperating with him was based solely on the color of his skin and the fact that his last name sounded like Osama and his middle name was that of a former dirtbag middle eastern ruler. I think his ideas were great, but in the end of the day, he needed to do more to defend himself and his policies. He was too silent and never tried to control the message.