I mentioned this song three weeks ago in this thread and I think I've listened to it 30 times since. I've always loved the tune but lately I'm overcome with how awesome the tone on the guitar is and the sound of the drums. So great. Bowie is the shit. I set up my new studio last night at my new home. Here is the view from the outside: Here it is inside during the day: and at night: I set up an old record player out there and listened to Led Zeppelin 2 to inaugurate the place and had some Bulleit Rye. It was fun. I had an hour and recorded this steaming pile of poo of a song -I like the growling sound in the background. The rest is absolute shit. But hey, it was fun to do.
tng, please give us another title besides "streaming pile of poo" - You're not doing the song justice. The first stanza is deeply creepy. I wanted to scream, "Get your hands out of your pocket" -- Luckily the water under the bridge looks too shallow for anything to happen when you jump off.
Do you make beats? I've been wanting to fins someone that makes beats. I'd be interested in a collaboration with someone on that level. mrjasonetaylor, you ever make electronic beats?
I have in the past and wouldn't mind getting back into doing it again.
You ought to create a beat and post it here as the seed of the next #hubskioriginalmusicclub track. ecib, bgood79, T-Dog, fuffle and jonaswildman -It's a new year, I've got a new studio and I'm looking forward to collaborating with you all some more in 2014. Check out this song that we all worked on, that's a pretty damn good tune. Let's churn out a few more. Feel free to get one started, any one of you.
Good luck finding a space. If you ever record any tunes and share them here, feel free to "shout out" to me, I'm always down for hearing music by Hubski users.
No, check out the first pic. That's it beyond my bridge. Kinda cool.
I have no idea. We are renting. Someone bought our home unexpectedly and we had about a month to find a new one. Bid on two we liked but lost them. Decided to rent as there is usually nothing good that can come from a desperate purchase.
Well you ended up in a cool spot, if only temporarily. Lots of trees. Ever thought about buying some land and building a house? Might not be practical where you are, but it's a fun thought exercise. Hope you made a killing on yours. (Although I'm kinda curious how your house can be bought 'unexpectedly' -- someone plant a for-sale sign in the yard while you were on vacation?)