This visualization displays the data for one random NYC yellow taxi on a single day in 2013. See where it operated, how much money it made, and how busy it was over 24 hours.
Sweeet!! Taxis here are hideously expensive though, taking one is a last resort over any other method of transportation.
That was pretty cool. The cab I watched ran for 23 hours. Is that normal? Do they drive for such prolonged amounts of time? Seems that would be illegal.
I'd imagine this is tracking a medallion number. A day in the life of a taxi, not the driver. A period of slow movement and no fares means the cab is cruising around looking for the next fare and a long period most likely means the cab was back at the garage for a few hours between drivers. I think the program only knows when and where it dropped and picked up passengers so it has to guess everything else. My biggest surprise is how bad they get stiffed on the tips. Or do they?
Might be that cash tips weren't reported. At the last medallion auction they were selling 1 million a piece. Heard there are people who own 30 meddallions. What happens to these people if Uber and other services take over or ubiquitous driverless cars. It's a market ready for massive disruption.