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comment by cgod
cgod  ·  3729 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Religion's use.

The other day my mother and daughter went to the park together. There was a church that had organized games and free snacks for any kids that were hanging out there. After a round of snacks they gathered the children up for story time. The story was a religious one. My Mom got kind of pissed off about it, didn't think it was cool to lure kids in with free fun and lay some dogmatic stories on them. Guess we have opposite moms. I could really care less. I want my kid to be exposed to as many different wacko's as she can. I plan on reading her all the basic bible stories (I've done a few already) just for the sake of her own cultural literacy. I'm not planing on her believing or not beveling in god, I'll let her know how ridiculous I find most Christian beliefs and also let her know that I love and respect many Christians.

I have been doing the "What do you think?" tactic a lot lately with her. She asks many questions that are either just annoying things she already knows or are tough questions with no good answer. I find "what do you think" is one of the better ways to get her to either stop being annoying or to promote a dialog.

We lost several family members right before and after my kids birth. She has a pretty good clue about death, in fact she can be downright maudlin about it at times. There is an old guy who is often coming or going when we go to the public pool. He is looking pretty rough, but goes swimming almost every day. First time Hazel saw him she blurted out super loud "Is he going to die daddy?" She has seen the face of death and was naturally curious.

thenewgreen  ·  3729 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I want my daughter to be exposed to all sorts of ideas, even the crazy ones… Just not the crazy ones "yet." She's only three years old and the idea of some religious zealot telling her the concept of heaven and hell doesn't really appeal to me.

OftenBen  ·  3727 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    the idea of some religious zealot telling her the concept of heaven and hell doesn't really appeal to me.

You know you're a good parent when.