What sort of crafts?
lol you name it :P Last thing I made was this bracelet: But only because it was easy. I've been trying to make a mold for a while now and keep screwing it up. I don't really want to cave and buy a mold making kit for this one project tho because it's like 40$ so I'm trying with the silicon I have at home. Trying to follow the online tutorials but doesn't seem to work and it's getting frustrating. Also considering buying a jewelry drill bit for the amber I found on the beach to make bracelets and stuff. Cause I tried making a whole with a burning needle and the amber just cracks in two halfway through :( Urgh so many ideas and projects but everything requires some special equipment.
I am going to update this post with several images. Edit: I don't craft anywhere near as much as I used to. I dabbled in many things but sunk most my XP into the fiber arts. I can or used to be able to dye fiber, spin it into yarn, knit and crochet, embroider, cross-stitch, hand-sew, etc. dabbled with calligraphy, sketching, painting, origami, and all manner of random "art and crafts" things - my grandmother was an art teacher and I attended/later volunteered for a lot of art camps in my time. I have tried beading but never got further into jewelry making than that. elizabeth - I updated. You are not alone!
Wow nice! I've done any crochet and my fiber related skills are very very limited. Thanks for sharing :) I find the most fun in the arts and crafts is the learning how to do it art and I never make it to the perfecting the art part. Glad to know I'm not alone. How much crafting do you do? I get the bug a couple times a year, sometime in the winter cause going outside is a bit unappealing.
I do very little these days. Sometimes I like you get "the bug," but it is probably only twice a year and somewhat short-lived. I recently started a color-work scarf (knitting). Got like 20 rows in before I realized I'd messed up the pattern and would have to rip out and re-do the whole thing and haven't had the heart to do it yet.