While the movement was no longer in the park, I was still able to talk to some people and it seems the OWS movement is going to conduct "Spring Training". They were very encouraged about the momentum they have.
From the AP:
- NEW YORK — Occupy Wall Street supporters are gearing up for spring training. They say they will teach thousands of people to lead nonviolent protests aimed at reinvigorating the movement.
The effort, dubbed 99 Percent Spring, includes sessions in 30 cities April 9 to 15.
Larry Cohen of the Communications Workers of America says his union will train 2,000 members to emulate the nonviolent methods of Cesar Chavez and Mohandas Gandhi.
Activists including carpenters, stay-at-home moms and business people have signed up for hundreds of sessions coordinated by the online nonprofit MoveOn.org.
Occupy supporters say they are planning a May 1 general strike. The movement against economic inequality started last Sept. 17 in Manhattan's Zuccotti Park