Have you seen the stones before? I've got 9th row for their Detroit show! I actually think they're one of the more terrible bands to see live but sitting that close is going to be a whole different ballgame. I've got good Eagles tickets too. This is kind of a classic rock summer over here...
Tonight was my first show. I'm curious, why do you think they're terrible live?
I just think they're one of those bands that sounds better on the studio albums than live sonically (which I personally place a premium on). But their stage show is such a spectacle, and they are such living legends, that I have no doubt that the show will be incredible (especially how close I am!) and really mitigate my main gripe :) How was it? Curious to hear your thoughts. Another mark against them is that they're so big they play stadiums and I HATE stadium shows in general as they automatically sound worse and lack energy.
I hate stadium shows too. We were FAR away. They sounded pretty damn good though. They're a bit loose, but I liked that. At times it seems like Keith is just doing abstract noodling, which is awesome. Despite the spectacle, they're still just a band and I think that comes through in a way that it doesn't for other larger than life acts. Mick is a freak of nature. That guys stamina for his age is insane. I want some of his stem cells :)