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So it will be installed for several months? I assume that will have an impact upon the river ecosystem. Direct sunlight is probably a component. It's not just a question of the tolerance of the species there, but what new life can grow (fungus, bacteria, algae, etc.) when the sunlight is reduced?
sounds_sound · 4678 days ago · link ·
The project will be officially on display for two weeks (the same amount of time the fabric will be over the river), but the installation itself is scheduled to be 28 months. The Bureau of Land Management is most concerned about sheep getting continued access to their fresh water source. Of course the installation isn't directly nurturing to the environment, but then again neither is the concrete foundation of my house. That's a bit of a smart-ass comment, I know, but consumption (in the generalist of terms) is ultimately a violent act. I hadn't heard of b_b's comments about killing a guy, which is another issue, but environmentally speaking it isn't exactly 3 million gallons of oil going into the gulf every day for a summer. Sure, compared to that, anything gets a pass, but in the end I think that the tourism alone, with all of its contingent environmental exposure, will out weigh any potentially negative environmental impacts.
thenewgreen · 4678 days ago · link ·
It does seem like playing with fire for the sake of satisfying an unnecessary urge. That said, I look forward to seeing the result. There other work looks fascinating.
sounds_sound · 4678 days ago · link ·
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