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comment by b_b
b_b  ·  3458 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Microaggressions and the Rise of Victimhood Culture - The Atlantic

I have to assume that these dudes have some history, and that this is taken out of context. There's no way that anyone could get that pissy about something like this, I hope. If so, a rough life awaits beyond college, son. You're a spicy Latino; are you offended by use of the term futbol? I've always respected the English language for its adaptability and mutability. It is good to know, based on this exchange, that white Americans and Latin Americans can both butcher English with equal disregard.

thenewgreen  ·  3458 days ago  ·  link  ·  

This better describes my use of the tag #somepeopleskids.

I recall working at Gratzi restaurant in Ann Arbor. I was a manager on a very busy friday night. An asian man, with a family of 6 and no reservation wanted a table. It was 7:30 on a FRIDAY. I let him know that it would be roughly 45 minutes. He was fine with that. 30 minutes later I had a table for him. It was a table further back in the restaurant, near the kitchen. It was a large booth that comfortably can seat 6 people. He took me aside and said:

Guest: "just because we are asian doesn't mean you can seat me next to the kitchen."

Me: I sat you at the first available table that could accommodate 6 people

Guest: I saw you seat another 6 people before me at the front of the restaurant. They arrived after we did.

Me: Yes, they have a reservation.

Guest: I think it's because we are asian

Me: Look, racism is a very real thing and this isn't it and frankly, I don't appreciate you ascribing such motives to me. You can have this table or you can wait for another table, but the larger tables near the front of the restaurant have been reserved for people that called well in advance to plan their evening out.

Guest: We'll take this table

You had to be there to see it, but it was pretty evident that this guy knew how to get a better table and that this had worked for him before. THAT SAID, I have no doubt that at some restaurants, there are asshole managers that will seat minorities in less visible sections. This is disgusting.

Anyways, I only bring this up because of your a "rough life awaits" made me think of this guy.

Isherwood  ·  3458 days ago  ·  link  ·  

My other reply is also about this, but if there's not a backstory here I think an out of the blue outrage could come from how this conversation is "traded" online.

This is a new idea for me, so bear with me as I'm hammering out the details and the language.

There are a lot of frank conversations online about race. These conversations are largely anonymous so people can spout controversial or offensive positions very easily. These conversations are also at will so people can walk away if things don't go their way, leading to a huge number of very heated but unresolved conflicts.

These conversations are all carried out by flesh and blood human beings, none of whom can completely detach themselves emotionally from the content. This creates the ideal conditions to breed the strongest, negative, emotional links to the most controversial and incendiary topics.

Once these links are in place, it can be very difficult for an individual to to be confronted with the topic to separate the emotional response built in other conversations from the future discussion about to take place.

That's the idea, I've been trying to work out any way.

But in this case I think something happened at the last pick up game:

    ...you take up space, steal the ball, don’t pass,...

    ...non passing the ball, stealing the ball from beginners,...

These are so specific that it seems like he's been stewing on them for a while.

thenewgreen  ·  3458 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    ...you take up space, steal the ball, don’t pass,...

    ...non passing the ball, stealing the ball from beginners,...

    These are so specific that it seems like he's been stewing on them for a while.

-I completely agree. It sounds like these two have issues between each other that stem beyond the topic/forum used to unearth them.